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We are united on this home we call earth by the fact that we all have basic needs. These are water, food, excreting, shelter and clothing. Some needs are not as great as others yet I think that all I have mentioned are included.

Without water we would die. I think this means that all water needs to be taken care of. Polluting it makes it unavailable for us to drink. Using it for processing objects that make it undrinkable is not good. Anything that makes our water undrinkable is something that needs to not be done.

Food is the next necessity that needs careful attention as we will die if we can’t eat. With the number of people on the planet at this time food is a scarce commodity. As air-able land becomes unusable because of population expansion and over use food will become even more difficult to produce and obtain.

What goes in must come out the way that we are designed. So accounting for the excrement that is produced on a daily basis in a safe way is really important. As the population grows it will become difficult to deal with the amount of waste product we produce.

Shelter is important and in most cases necessary. Without shelter in some area of our planet we would not survive. Even the ‘cavemen’ new this.

Even when man first appeared or was created he had a need for clothing. It protects us from the elements such as the heat and cold. Without cloths in some parts of the world we would succumb to these elements.

Based on these facts I believe that we are united in our quest to live on this home we call earth. It is a plentiful planet to be sure. That does not mean that we can ignore taking care of it. All earthlings are  travelers on this Space Ship Earth.  As such we must take care of the very thing that sustains us. It can only be done if we recognize each other as earthlings who co-exist here.

I encourage each earthling to do their part to protect and sustain this vessel we travel through space on. If as a whole we don’t then we are all doomed so to speak. Our Space Ship Earth will not take care of us if we don’t take care of it.

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