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It is amazing to think of all the conflicts earthlings have initiated between themselves.  Thousands of years of conflict have not lead us to consider the waste of men, natural resources and energy it takes.  Earthlings are still involved in destructive conflicts all over our space ship earth.  The danger here being that the possibility of a Nuclear War is once again becoming a reality.  

The question I ask myself is ‘When do we get a clue that conflict is not in best interest of any of us as earthlings?’.  How do we think outside the box we have put ourselves in to come up with better solutions to resolve conflict? Do earthlings want to resolve their conflicts in a different way?  Let us hope so for every earthlings well being.

 I can think of solutions that are possible but not probable.  It is possible for us to resolve conflict by learning to communicate in better ways so that it benefits all earthlings.  We can sit down and come up with a world agency to resolve conflict.  I know that the U.N. can be pointed out as this agency yet it has failed during it’s existence to bring about world peace.  So maybe we look at making it work or replace it with something that can.  This is where it would be nice to think outside the box.

It seems we are stuck in thought that violence is the only way to resolve issues between us.  This seems to be so on a global as well as at a personal level.

Even now the greatest nations on earth are talking about a new arms race.  How many Nukes do we need to have?  We have enough now to destroy our planet a few times over.  Power through intimidation of arms seems to be how our leaders think.  This is the box we have put ourselves in.  Again the question is how do we get out of this box?

 I get frustrated by the daunting task of changing the thoughts of all earthlings from separation to unity.  That conflict will not bring us peace on earth.  Yet if we do not find some way to come together then it is difficult to see a possibility of a positive outcome for all of us. 

So I look forward to your ideas of what we can do about the conflicts that seem to be our way of life.   Together our ideas may be those that change the world from what it is now to a more peaceful and prosperous one.

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One Reply to “Can We Find Our Way Out Of Conflict?”

  1. Hello,
    There are millions and millions and millions of law abiding, friendly, cooperative, and like minded people out across the globe of our Home we call Earth. Not everyone thinks the same way as perhaps these millions of people. Some leaders cannot be changed into thinking globally or cooperation and equality for everyone. The way out of conflict with conflicted leaders or dictators is a arduous task. Most power-driven, ego maniacs and narcissistic thinkers do not change over night if at all. In the end, conflict may be resolved through “win-win” presentations or solutions. However, some conflicts may not be resolved through this philosophy due to control, ego, self-interest, and old beliefs, customs, culture, and dogmatic rules that have been ingrained for many many years. Sometimes conflict is a good thing and that the better good in the future will come into fruition as a result from the conflict. Again, not all cultures or leaders are open to positive and harmonious outcomes…..

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