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In the coarse of Earthlings evolving history many Social, Economic and Religious Systems have been developed.  Through this evolution of systems Earthlings have created ways in which they relate to each other, distribute resources and provide safety for there members.

Earthlings have called these Social Systems by names such as tribes, kingdoms, states, nations and other different names.  There is usually a political power structure that is part of these Social Systems.  These define the social structure and how Earthlings relate to each other.

The Economic Systems have had many names also such as bartering, trade, capitalism and communism.  They are mainly about the production, distribution and consumption of goods and resources.

Religious systems have evolved since the beginning of man.  The names for these have been Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and many others.  They are an attempt to explain the mystery of birth, life and death.  The fact the Earthlings exist in this universe.

The ideas of each religious system also helped define Earthlings Social and Economic systems.  When you look back through history you can see how this was the case.  As Earthlings evolved on the continents so did their religious beliefs evolve.

As you might see these Social, Economic and Religious systems have resulted in a complex world.  One in which there are many different ideas that define how we relate to each other, distribute resources and provide safety for members.

As members of one of these Social, Economic and Religious systems we are shaped into the Earthlings we are today.  The ideas about how we relate to each other, distribute resources, and provide safety for members within these systems is a part of each Earthling.

As you might see from the complexity described above Earthlings are greatly influenced by where they are born and who they are born to.  Where you are born and who raises you  greatly influences the Earthling you become.

These provide the challenge for thinking outside of the box.  How do we as Earthlings get outside the box of the ideas these systems instill in us.  It affects the way we think, interact with each others, distribute resources and  believe others should live.  How do we overcome the deeply ingrained ideas given to us by our Social, Economic and Religious systems.  What can Earthlings do to discern new ideas about how we interact with each other, manage our resources and new beliefs about how Earthlings can live together as one?

It is not an easy endeavor to say the least.  The hope is that this web-site will provide a forum for that discussion.  Only by coming together as Earthlings with new ideas that are outside the box of the way we currently think can we move into a new age.  A new age of peace, harmony, happiness, joy and love between all Earthlings.

Your ideas, thoughts and suggestions are always appreciated.

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