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I have talked about thinking outside the box and the challenges to doing so.  Now I want to discuss ideas on how we as Earthlings start to think outside of the box.  What process can we as Earthlings develop to start thinking outside the box?  How do we do this considering the challenges that were discussed in another Post?

It seems a daunting task considering the diversity of the Earthlings that exist on this planet now.  How is it possible to step outside of our cultural ideas about how things function?  To step outside of the ideas and concepts that drive our cultures right now?  How do we take all that we as Earthlings know and develop new ideas and concepts from them?  How do we come together as Earthlings and discuss this without letting our conflicting cultures get in the way?

In my mind the first step is to let go of our personal and cultural egos.  Earthlings need to give up the idea that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  It may be difficult to do this and yet not impossible.  By doing this it gives us the freedom to look at all aspects of what exists in earthling cultures and determine what may or may not work.  It gives us the opportunity to even develop new ideas.

It will take willingness, work and time to create a lack of a personal and cultural ego.  Only if Earthlings are willing can change happen.  It will take working together as Earthlings by letting go of personal or cultural prejudices.   Earthlings have come to this place where we are now through time.  Only through time can Earthlings create a better planet for every one that occupies it.

Once we have let go of our personal and cultural egos it is possible to move forward.  Earthlings can start to look at all of the Social, Economic and Religious Systems on our planet.   Earthlings can start the process of taking what they think works and building new Social, Economic and Religious Systems that are Earthling based.  Ones not based on personal and culture ego.

It will require that we also open up to ideas and concepts that don’t even exist yet.  Stimulated by our conversation of ideas and concepts that already exist we can create new ones.  In a sense we must become inventors.  Taking things that exist around us and creating new ways to use them that have never before been done.  Even creating new ideas and concepts that have not yet existed.

So I have tried to give a few suggestion on the process for thinking outside the box.  First is letting go of personal and cultural ego.  Second is looking at all of the cultures Earthlings currently have and picking out things that work.  Last is putting together ideas and concepts that come from the old but are entirely new.

Only by being willing to share on this blog can you help in the discussion of making a better planet for all Earthlings including yourself.  It is the purpose of this blog to stimulate other Earthlings to consider these ideas and purpose their own.  Global change can only come if we as earthlings open up a discussion about a process for change.  Change can not come without a willingness give up personal and cultural egos, look at all possibilities and open up to new ideas and concepts that have never before existed.

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