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In so many posts the idea of change has been mentioned.  The idea of changing billions of Earthlings minds is truly a complex situation to explore.  Yet if changes are to be made then this is a discussion that must be addressed.

How do Earthlings  come to a mutually acceptable new way of living given the complexity of what has evolved?  How do Earthlings even begin this process of changing?  What are the consequences of the changes that are made?

In the past  change has come slowly to Earthlings.  Change can happen when there are major shifts in our thinking or after a slow build up of new ideas.  This is often facilitated by a group of people that have an issue they want resolved.  They are willing to do what it takes to shift the thinking of other Earthlings.  More often than Earthlings would like to admit it is after a sledge hammer hits us over our collective heads, so to speak.  Something that can no longer exist as it is.

We can take the idea of integration.  This idea came only after slavery was abolished.  Even then it took until the 1960’s before any meaningful change took place.  This was because people of color finally stood their ground and peacefully fought for the changes needed.  Yet even now there are places where the idea of integration is still not accepted.  It was only by the sacrifice of those willing to put their lives on the line that any change came about.

Whatever way change is to come it must be in a peaceful way.  Earthlings have seen the result of change that is violently forced on others.  It only brings about death, destruction and agony for all.  So what is called for is a peaceful revolution.  It means that those of us who want change must find a peaceful way to bring it about.

The discussion here is how do we who may be few influence the many?  How do we peacefully change their minds?  7 billion is a large number of Earthlings minds to change.  Not impossible but difficult to say the least.

Your ideas and comments on this are welcome.  If change is to come we must all be involved in the discussion on how to peacefully bring that about.

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