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It is a certainty that Earthlings can not live without this precious resource.  No animal on earth can live without this resource.  Death is a certain fate for all animals and Earthlings without it.

So the question is how do we insure that this resource is available to all Earthlings?  In the current situation on earth this is becoming increasingly difficult.  Earthlings have polluted their water resources, companies are being allowed to buy up water resources so they can control their distribution and cost and Global warming is changing the way water is distributed to different areas.  The last one is in part due to the population explosion that has occurred over the last century.  There are now approximately seven billion Earthlings inhabiting this space ship earth.  Water is indeed getting harder to come by for many Earthlings.

Water sources Polluted by Earthlings  are a result of manufacturing, farming and other practices that are contrary to water conservation and use.  It can be said that nations have become aware of this.  In the United States laws have been passed to reduce the pollution of water resources.  Money has been set aside to take care of polluted water resources.  I believe that other nations have taken similar steps to do the same.  Even so Earthlings are still polluting their water resources at an alarming rate.  Let us hope it is not to late to clean up our polluted water resources.

In order to insure that the water needed to sustain all Earthlings is available means drastic steps are needed.  Stricter enforcement of laws to prevent companies around the world from dumping their waste into water sources.  A different way for farmers to provide nutrients for their crops than the toxic ones used now.  Pesticides need to be banned around the world.  Earthlings need to stop using water sources as places to put their excrement.  There are other things to numerous to mention here.  These are the major contributors to our water deficit.  Those that we may not be aware of need to be identified and given our attention.  These are a few that I am aware of.

Water is not a resource that should be owned by any company or person.  It belongs to all Earthlings.  As difficult as it may be laws are need  that prohibit any company or person from being able to buy water rights.  Water belongs to all Earthlings not just those that can buy it.  If this is allowed to continue Earthlings will be at the mercy of these companies for their water needs.  They will be able to charge what they want.

Earthlings need to address this issue of our water resources now.  If we don’t then millions of people can die of thirst.  Millions more will be at the mercy of others.  As water resources become more scarce conflicts will become more prevalent.  Earthlings united effort is needed to insure water doesn’t become the reason of our demise.

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2 Replies to “Thinking Outside The Box – Water The Life Or Death Resource”

  1. I think that it is important to establish what a “right” is. A “right” is simply an agreement between people. To establish a right, a critical mass of people need to agree to abide by some rule. A critical mass might be a majority, a super-majority or even less than a majority; it is the number of people and type of people who need to buy into something in order to force everyone else to buy in.

    There are no inherent rights despite how people may talk about them. There is no fundamental right to water. If enough people agree to divvy up the available water in a certain way then that creates a “right” for each party to the agreement based on the terms of the agreement.

  2. Your point is well taken. There is nothing inherent about living life. Only the fact that if it is imagined and has enough Earthlings behind it it becomes reality. This in my mind is true of all social, economic, political, and scientific systems that exist. Only in the minds of Earthlings can reality be created.

    Yet this is exactly what I am trying to do. Conceive of a new reality for Earthlings to live by. This in my mind takes stopping, taking a deep breath and imagining with an intelligent purpose a new reality for Earthlings. One without undo suffering and the basic needs of every Earthling met.

    I can hope this is possible even with the knowledge that we may be to far over the edge to our destruction. So Your ideas are appreciated and my hope is we can start a conversation about anything and everything.

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