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In our modern world medical care has reached unprecedented levels for healing Earthlings.  There are new techniques being discovered to address what ails us.  There are illnesses that still  need some consideration for healing us.  Cancer, the common cold, the flu and rare diseases are a few.

The problem with all of this medical know how is that it is not available for all Earthlings.  Because of the current economic and social systems many Earthlings do not  have access to the medical care they need.  They simply do not have the money or means to ‘pay’ for the care they need.  Millions of Earthlings are ill with no way of getting the care they need.

How do we create an economic and social system where everyone gets the medical care they need?  This is regardless of their ability to pay for it directly.  A change to the current economic and social structures that exist now is needed.  The lack of appropriate medical care is only because of these.  Change these so that the priority is on Earthlings and not other things that have been made important currently.

Once again it is up to us to figure this out.   How do we as Earthlings come together and change what exists to something better?  By creating something different we can stop the suffering of millions of Earthlings.

Your input and ideas are as always welcomed.  Please give me what ever input and ideas you have on how to effect change on this planet for the good of all Earthlings.

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