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Everything that Earthlings have created comes from our ability to imagine it, create ideas about it,  create concepts about it, intuit the possibilities and create it.  These include social, political systems, economic systems, mechanical constructs, books, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, science and basically anything that exists because of these abilities.  This means that we reap the benefits as well as the detriments that Earthlings deal with at any time because of these.  The benefits being all of the things that make our lives comfortable.  Pollution, air quality, environmental issues, disease, war, famine and anything that makes our lives difficult being the detriments.

It would be nice to think that Earthlings have come to this point in time by thinking intelligently.  In my opinion this is not what we have not done.  Earthlings have lived in a survival mentality that has brought us to where we are now.  This means that we have not used our intelligence to decide if what we create is to our benefit or detriment.  The short term gain instead of what the long term outcome might be.

Living on this planet takes learning how to survive in the environment that exists at any point in time as long as we have been here.  As life progressed it seems that we observed, imagined and created what we needed to survive or seemingly make our lives better.  Earthlings have not stepped back and asked the question at any point is this beneficial in the long term?  In other words use the intelligence we have to ask hard questions about the benefits or detriment of anything Earthlings create.

Is the creation of nuclear fission beneficial in the long term?  Especially in terms of creating it for such a destructive purpose as the atom bomb.  The need to deal with what to do with the nuclear waste created.  Is aerosol going to have any affect on the environment?  Given that it destroyed some of Earths ozone layer which is essential to our survival.  Is the gas engine the best solution for transportation or perhaps steam or another energy source?  Now we deal with air pollution as a major factor in our health.  How many gas crisis have we been through.  What has been the cost in terms of the economy to obtain it.  We can discuss the wars caused by the need to obtain it.  These are just a few of the issues Earthlings deal with because of their creations.

This discussion is necessary to see that we are responsible for what we have created.  It is also to wake Earthlings up to the possibility that as a whole we need to step back and reevaluate how we create anything for our use.  It is time for us to use our intelligence and step out of survival mode and the desire for more than what all Earthlings need to survive and live comfortably.  Let us begin to say what is it that we really need to be happy, healthy, free and live fantastic lives on this our space ship earth.  Let us work together to create a different world for ourselves and future generations.

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