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Creating new ways in which we interact is the first thing that I think needs to be addressed.  This is referred to as our social interactions or Societies.  These are very diverse on this planet we live on.  In order for a new Social order to exist the old Social orders must be dealt with.

There are so many ways that we interact socially around the world.   It may seem impossible for a new social order to come about when you first think about it.  The social customs of all the societies around the world are complex.  This leads us to ask what social interactions can we create that bring about the most unity around this planet earth?  I think the answer is to start with a simple one that all societies can accept.

In a previous post I talked about the separation between us.  So the first interaction we can change is the way in which we see each other.  We can begin to change the way we look at each other.  Instead of seeing the differences between us we can choose to see that we are all Earthlings on this planet earth.  Earthlings can start accepting others for who they are and not what their perceptions tell them they are.  Together we stand, divided we fall.

This can be done by all Earthlings acknowledging each other with a simple greeting.  By recognizing each other in a simple way so that it brings about a connection that is lost otherwise.  A good morning, afternoon, evening or day is a way to start.  Look each other in the eyes and truly see another Earthling.  Acknowledging each others existence is important start.

When you observe others in your daily life see how we ignore or make an effort not to connect with other Earthlings.  We look down, sideways or find ways to avoid connecting with each other in a meaningful way.  It may also be that we are so busy in our daily lives it is difficult to notice others.

Instead of seeing those things that separate us from each other let us start to at least see each other.  Let us be able to start connecting with each other.  In this effort I encourage you as well as myself to look at other Earthlings and simply greet them in a friendly way.  Make an effort to not see them as you may judge them to be but as fellow Earthlings on this space ship we call earth.

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