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Our sexuality is a topic that is very important and I have not addressed yet . As anything to do with Earthlings this is a complicated subject. It has been defined by evolution, culture, religion, and genetics. Because of these a struggle between the feminine and masculine for power has occurred. A struggle that continues even now. One that needs to be stopped. We need to create equality between the masculine and feminine. This being an equality that recognizes our differences without creating a power struggle and brings peace between all Earthlings; both masculine and feminine.

Our sexuality is a part of who we are as Earthlings on this planet. For whatever reason evolution has given us the masculine and feminine. This creates the fact that it takes two to procreate. Another thing that it gives us is our physical differences. It has also given us some differences in the way our brains work. These evolutionary traits have defined how our relationship interactions have been created throughout the ages.

I am not an expert in evolution so this next part is based on what I have learned. As groups of Earthlings gathered together for survival and protection they developed distinct cultures. These cultures, tribes, competed for resources and survival. In these cultures the relationship between the masculine and feminine became defined by the needs of the tribe. These needs usually required the masculine to be the hunters and defenders. The feminine was required to be the gathers, the pro-creators and the mothers. This gave the masculine a position of power the feminine accepted for it’s benefits. This power of the masculine over the feminine seems to have continued into the present day.

As religion developed the masculine defined how the it and feminine related to each other. Because of this the feminine was usually relegated to a position of subservience. The masculine created beliefs and laws that relegated the feminine to a position of being lesser than it. The masculine also made itself responsible for what the feminine did or felt. This verges on what is known as slavery. It has only been in recent times that this has been challenged by the feminine. The feminine has used it’s courage to fight for the equality with the masculine they have been denied for so long . In fact the equality they have deserved from the beginning.

I have very little knowledge of genetics and how it works. Scientists are just now beginning to understand it’s complicated nature. The little I do know tells me that it controls who is masculine and who is feminine. It also gives us our body with all of it’s physical aspects. As I understand it also gives us some of the mental aspects we have. So the only thing that this gives us is the reason for there even being a masculine or feminine. No one can say for certain why genetics came about only how it determines who we are physically as Earthlings.

Certainly a book can be written about how we arrived at the current situation and the above is simplistic at best. That the struggle between the masculine and feminine has been going on through the ages is true. It seems that the masculine has dominated this struggle. Slowly and surely the feminine has used it’s courage and strength to reverse this age old abuse of power and the inequality it has caused. Throughout the ages there have been feminine Earthlings who have fought against the masculine dominance. In my mind it has only been in the last 150 years that this courage and strength has resulted in more equality between the masculine and feminine. Starting to bringing an end to the masculine abuse of it’s power.

Currently the relationship between the masculine and feminine is changing in ways that have not occurred before. The feminine is no longer willing to accept the norm that has existed for so long. This being that they are in some way inferior or less strong then the masculine. Of coarse this has been helped by the masculine Earthlings who have been willing to change the laws about the way feminine is treated and looked at. The cost to the feminine Earthlings who have struggled to gain equality with the masculine can not be measured. It has required the courage and sacrifice of feminine lives to attain the equality now enjoyed by most feminine Earthlings. There are still many places on our planet where the feminine Earthlings struggle to gain their equality and power. Let us hope that they do not have to struggle much longer.

I can only say that as a masculine Earthling I know what my struggle has been to redefine my relationship with feminine Earthlings. I grew up in a religion that viewed the feminine as lesser than myself physically and sexually. In a society that only encouraged this view. So I am happy that through my self growth and education I am able to change this. I now know that feminine Earthlings are my equal, not objects of my desire, as strong as myself, deserving of respect, as smart if not smarter and that sexual intimacy is a mutual desire. I will continue to change any aspect of myself that sees the masculine and feminine as not equal. It is also my desire to heal our sexual interactions and see them as mutually enjoyable event.

I hope this has shown the complexity of the masculine and feminine relationship. Of coarse the feminine response to this is greatly appreciated. Click on the red link below to give a response. You email or anything that would give away your identity is not required for this. Thanks!

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