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‘The honest truth!’ It seems to me that in our communications as Earthlings we seek this honest truth from each other. Looking at our planet earth you can ask where is this honest communication we seek? It does not seem to exist between governments, organizations or even individuals on the whole. If the honest truth were told the wars, conflicts, arguments, resentments and angst that are present in this world of ours hopefully would not exist.

Each of us, including myself, needs to ask ‘How honest am I in my daily life?’. What does this mean for you and me as Earthlings? It means that we can choose to deal with each other in a different way. Every time you are dealing with another Earthling make sure that you are being impeccable with your word. That what you say is neither a half truth or even a complete lie.

To be sure this is not an easy endeavor. For so long we have been taught that is okay to tell a half truth or complete lie. There are many reasons that we will tell a half truth or complete lie.

  • To protect someone’s feelings.
  • To avoid being in trouble.
  • You feel you may need to protect yourself.
  • Others you may know that I have not listed here.

Whatever the reason you might devise, it is not okay to tell a half truth or complete lie. This is if we truly want the honest truth with each other. The honest truth can not exist when half truths and lies are given. The honest truth can only exist when each of us is impeccable with our word.

This means that no matter what you are completely honest with one another. That means that you take complete responsibility for yourself and accept the consequences of your choices. A couple of other concepts we probably didn’t learn. I will not go into detail here. If you care to learn more a post called ‘Thoughts On Living Life’ has more details on these and being impeccable with your word.

So if we want more honesty in the world we can start with ourselves. As for governments and organizations they can only change if we as individuals change. Change comes from within each of us. When we as individuals change I believe it can start to change the world we live in.

Please click on the button below and make any comments you wish. You do not have to identify yourself in any way. I will respond to your comments and hopefully we can start a dialog that will change us and all of the other Earthlings on this planet.

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