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It is amazing to me that so much power on our Planet Earth is concentrated with so few Earthlings. Considering the billions of Earthlings that exist on this place we inhabit , there are only a few that wield great power. This is not to say that most individual Earthlings don’t have their own personal power. The issue is that Presidents, Prime Ministers, kings, dictators, religious leaders and governing entities of all kinds wield so much more. It seems to me that these entities control all of us in ways that are unnecessary and leave us with less power than we can have.

What is the main reason for this power inequality? I believe it is because we as Earthlings have chosen to give up our individual power. This in return for what is perceived as security and that our basic needs get met. We are afraid that on our own we will not survive or be able to meet our basic needs.

Evolution is also responsible for this power inequality. From what is known it was a very violent and insecure world that existed when our ancestors first appeared on this planet. If you are religious then it is because God established leaders to guide us. In both cases Earthlings gave their power over to those in charge, a chief or a religious leader. In return for giving up our power we perceived that we would have security and our basic needs met. For the most part giving our power over to others seemed to give us these things.

However conflicts arose when there were power struggles between those in power and religions. These resulted in the loss of power for some and in others gaining even more power. You need only look back through history to see this played out in all of the conflicts Earthlings have been involved in.

†This is just short view of why we as individual Earthlings have given up our power. So the question is how do we regain our personal power to the fullest ? First of all we need to do all that we can to eliminate the power structures that exist. This will be difficult in some places on our Planet Earth.

A few of those in power have created powerful forces to suppress individual freedom. The few that come to mind being dictators, kings, religious leaders, Corporations and others. There maybe others that don’t come to mind at this moment. They have created armies, secret police, prisons, laws, confusing concepts and apathy to subdue our personal power. When it seems things can’t be changed then Apathy can set in. If change seems impossible then why try.

So to change the power structure in those places where individual power is suppressed by force it may take violence of some kind. Ghandi and Martin Luther King believed that non-violence can work, which is preferable. Sadly I myself believe that in the end only confrontation and violence will succeed in cases where those in power do not want to give it up.

In those places, fortunate to have some kind of citizen participation, overcoming apathy is the key. Once you can overcome apathy then participation and involvement can make sure that governmental power can shift. Thus giving individuals more personal power because they have taken back their power.

The end result is that Earthlings must take more responsibility for their personal power and not give it to others. With great power comes great responsibility. You are the one responsible for your own destiny. You do not give that to anyone because you know that you can provide for your own safety and get your own basic needs met.

The key is to take responsibility for your own personal power and then be willing to share that equally with others. Equally empowered Earthlings can create a different system that provides for the safety and basic needs of everyone. I have ideas about how this concept might work. Since I am looking for a discussion on all ideas I will wait and see if anyone else comments on this subject. Real changes comes from the involvement of all Earthlings. Starting with the few.

As always please leave a comment on anything I have written. The purpose of this blog is to stimulate conversation, provide a place for change and give us hope that a better future is possible.

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