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The Virus Pandemic that exists around our world is proof that we are all connected. We are all Earthlings on a planet that is our spaceship earth. There are very few places on this spaceship that are not in some way experiencing this virus. It is a wake up call to all Earthlings about how connected we are.

It has had an effect on all aspects of how we to live. Our governments, economies, lives and social interactions have been changed. Earthlings can no longer ignore that our governments and economies have failed us in many ways. Millions around the globe have had their very survival challenged by this Pandemic. There is no way to really measure the full effect of this on every Earthlings.

So the question becomes how could this have been different? If there was a common economic system that existed for the common good of all Earthlings, that would be a start. If there were only a single governing body that existed for the same purpose as above, this would be a start. If every Earthling took responsibility for themselves, that would be a start. If we changed our governing and economic systems to be based on we are one together instead of seperate, that would be start.

So many times in this Blog I proposed changes that Earthlings can make to our governing and economic systems to do the above. The reality is no one person can do it alone. So once again I am asking you to respond with your ideas and comments. I don’t care if your comments suggest errors in my thinking or your ideas may seem impossible. Please just take time to give me feed back, either way. Earthlings together can make a change.

One last thing needs to be said. There are a at least 7 Billion Earthlings on this spaceship earth. Are we going to let 1 to 5 % of these Earthlings control and manipulate the rest of us for their own purposes? I hope not! Let’s stand together for meaningful change so that all Earthlings have their basic needs met!

  • Food
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • Necessities to live where ever they want on this spaceship earth.

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