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What is a New Civilization? It is one totally different than what we have now. What exists now has been the cumulative history of Earthlings and the varying civilizations created till now. Earthlings have been a long time getting here. We have not gotten here by using the intelligence we evolved with. If we had maybe a civilization of all Earthlings might exist which is totally different than what we have now. Earthlings are separated by the civilizations which are now called Nation States. This Blog wouldn’t be necessary if we had became a civilization of Earthlings, everyone united for the best interest of all Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth.

So creating a New Civilization needs to start of with a whole new concept of how we as Earthlings live. This means how we interact with each other, use resources, protect our environment, use water and air resources and rethinking all of the ideas we have created until now. As stated many times in this Blog that is not an easy proposition.

Earthlings need to use the intelligence that we have evolved with to correct the things that aren’t working for us now. These are war, poverty, homelessness, hunger, thirst, uneven distribution of wealth, power held by the few and others that you might think of. It is a delusion to think that what exists now works for any or all Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth.

In the entire evolution of our planet, Earthlings have not stopped to re-evaluate what we are doing and what should be done next. Stopped to look at our what we have created at any point to see what does and doesn’t work for the good of all Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth. Taken time to see our mistakes and our successes in living together. We do this in our own lives sometimes, stop and re-evaluate our lives to see what is working and what isn’t. Other times we proceed headlong the way we have been to our own destruction. The way Earthlings are doing at this very time.

Those that are in power do not want anything to change. Who wouldn’t be happy if all of your needs are met because you have the money and power to fulfill them. If you were in power I am sure you would feel the same, who wouldn’t. Yet that is the attitude that must change for a New Civilization to evolve from this old and dying one. All Earthlings are needed for this world to change and for our problems to cease.

Because of where we have come to in this present time, our world is in danger. The very environment that we depend upon for our survival is threatened by all that we do. The oceans, air, rivers, steams and other things we depend on for life are being destroyed by Greed. We are destroying valuable resources by the constant wars and strife we have become involved in. Earthlings are dying because their basic needs are not being met.

What will it take for us to stop and create this new civilization? Must we continue on our present course until some catastrophe destroys us and this Space Ship Earth we inhabit? If things continue the way they are this may be why Earthlings are a evolutionary dead end. Perhaps in religious terms, God comes down and destroys us for what we have done to His creation. Only Earthlings as a whole can reverse what is taking place now and move to a new civilization that serves all of us and our Space Ship Earth. I am looking at myself and thinking about how I can help bring this about. I hope that you too will look at how you can help bring about the changes we need to make our Space Ship Earth a paradise.

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