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The failure of all current Economic and Governing systems has been discussed throughout this Blog. New methods have been suggested for Earthlings to interact with each other economically and personally. So what makes the existing Economic and Governing systems on our Planet Earth failures?

To answer this a successful Economic and Governing system needs to be outlined. In doing this it will become clear why these current systems are a failures. The interesting thing is that at this time Earthlings think that their current Economic and Governing systems are successful. What has been written in this Blog suggests that this is an ignorance of what is really to be considered a successful Economic and Governing systems.

Up to this point this Blog has not really defined what a successful Economic and Governing system are. There have been no guidelines written that give specific ideas as to what constitutes successful Economic and Governing systems. Only by creating these guidelines can we determine what are successful Economic and Governing systems. This will clarify the current failure of the current Economic and Governing systems.

Now it is time to purpose the guidelines which make Economic and Governing systems successful. With these guidelines defined it will help to create an Economic and Governing system that will be successful. A system that is at least better than what Earthlings have created so far.

The first guideline is most important. All Earthlings must have their essential needs met. Without these Earthlings perish. Next is our our emotional and physical well being. These do not lead to death yet are needed by all Earthlings. Most importantly is that nothing that is done can harm our fellow Earthlings or Space Ship Earth. With these four things in mind we can begin to outline what is considered successful Economic and Governing systems.

The first criteria is meeting our essential needs. These are food, water, shelter, clothing and dealing with our excrement. This means that every Earthling has enough of the above to meet their daily needs. No one on this planet goes hungry, without water, shelter, clothing or somewhere to take care of their excrement. That no one dies because of a lack what they need to live and thrive physically. These items must be provided for all Earthlings on this our Space Ship Earth.

Our essential emotional and physical well being need to be addressed. That how we interact with each other does not threaten these. This means that there can be no more abuse to any Earthling from anyone else. It means that there can be no more conflicts, war, poverty, hunger, lack of shelter or anything like these that threaten Earthlings emotional and physical well being. All Earthlings must learn to appreciate and honor each other.

A new way of educating Earthlings must be found. One that teaches us to have inner peace so that we can bring that to others. Instruct us in new ways in communicating with each other that do not cause strife but brings about a resolution that everyone can live with. We must do away with any words that make us different or separated from each other.

Also it is important that no Earthlings goes without medical care. A system needs to exist so that everyone gets the medical attention they need when they need it. No one needs to suffer because of lack of medical care. Enough doctors and hospitals need to exist for this to happen.

Maybe one of the most important things is how we treat our Space Ship Earth. Whatever Economic and Governing systems we design can not harm this. This means no manufacturing, collecting of resources, devices or items we invent to use can damage it. This means no pollution of our water, air or over use of resources can be allowed.

Maybe it can be seen why the current Economic and Governing system can be called failures in light of what is defined above. On our earth now people die daily because their basic needs are not met. War, conflicts, hatred, jealousy, judgemental attitudes, worry about basic needs, abuse and so many other things exist that all are detrimental to our physical and mental health. Earthlings only need to step back and use the above criteria to in order to establish, in this Bogs opinion, a successful Economic and Governing system.

One last thought for you to think about. It was also stated that maybe there is no need for a Governing system but a way for us to interact personally in a different way. Governing systems tend to put people in charge of others. Through out history it seems like when people are given power over others there is a tendency to abuse it. There is even a saying that says ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’.

It would be preferable if Earthlings learned to be self governing. This being in the context of working together to meet the basic needs of all together. In order for this to happen it would seem that self responsibility for oneself is important. It also means that we take responsibility for that in the context of what is good for all Earthlings. I do what is good for you and me so that we both have what we need.

As always the above is up for review. Comments and suggestions are always welcome, in fact needed. As stated previously these thoughts are only to stimulate a discussion on changing the world we live in today to something better for all Earthlings.

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