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Currently in Europe we are experiencing the worst of what I have talked about in this Blog. A conflict that is causing more death and destruction then has been seen in a since WWII. It is a war caused by one man’s desire to obtain more territory. A super power nation waging death and destruction on a nation of lesser power. This seems to be the way of Earthlings since the beginning of our time on this Space Ship Earth.

I don’t think you can even begin to count the wars between nations, within nations and world wide conflicts that have occurred since our coming here. Just look down through history. It can be seen that starting back in the beginning of civilization conflict was taking place between different species and tribes. Always struggling for more territory and resources for ourselves.

It brings to mind another question that was discussed in this Blog, a matter of our intelligence. How intelligent do we need to be in order to discern that these conflicts destroy the very things fought over, both Earthlings and valuable resources. If Earthlings were indeed intelligent then wouldn’t conflicts stop??? One only need take a look at the pictures coming from this current conflict to see this.

Before this conflict started there were beautiful cities, villages, country sided and Earthlings. Now there exists only war debris, rubble, burned fields and many dead Earthlings. What more does it take for us to say enough?? To stop these endless conflicts and bring true peace to this Space Ship Earth that we all occupy! It is obvious if you only look that this is indeed a Space Ship Earth and that what happens around it affects everyone. Global warming, dwindling resources, over population and a decline in all Earthlings standard of living.

Let us take a moment and reflect on what each of us needs to do to change this need for conflict. What is needed to bring true peace and harmony between all Earthlings so that this beautiful Space Ship can sustain and provide us all with the things we need

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