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A sad thing about Earthlings is they do not learn to Love everyone on their Space Ship Earth. It seems that Earthlings limit this feeling to a special someone or something. This idea that someone or something must earn Love. In other words it is a feeling that is experienced only when certain criteria are met. It can be for a moment or years that this ‘Love’ is experienced. Love depends on how long this person or thing meets our criteria. It seems it is given by Earthlings for only a special few instead of for everyone.

Love can be given and taken away. This concept can best be described by two phrases, that make no sense to this blogger. I fell in Love with another Earthling or something. I fell out of Love with another Earthling or something. What does this say about Love? That it is a transitory feeling based on if we are getting what we want or need from the relationship? Does it mean that this other Earthling or something is no longer satisfying to us? How do you fall in and out of Love? It would seem that if you have Love for another Earthling or something it wouldn’t just go away. This brings into question exactly what is this thing we call Love? It would be nice if there were a universal understanding by Earthlings of what Love is.

Because of what this Blogger has experienced, Love for me is based on the following concepts. These you can feel free to add to or change as it works for you. What it means is that you can Love someone or something and let them go with Love. I Love you and I do not want to be with you anymore. If Love can come and go then a new term is needed for this fleeting feeling Earthlings experience. Infatuation is a better word that describes that Earthlings can be falling into or out of Love.

So what is love? This Blogger has come to believe that the core values of love are the following:

  • Patience – The ability to stand back and not react but Listen, and give ourselves and the other person the benefit of not judging behavior or words.
  • Understanding – We are all Earthlings so we make mistakes and are not always perfect. Allowing ourselves and other to make mistakes is to allow us to perform the next core value
  • Forgiveness – Letting go of any need to punish or in some way harm anyone. Letting go and not holding on to anger, fear or resentment.
  • Kindness – Offering a helping hand whenever it is needed.
  • Sympathy – Ability to see another person’s pain and be there for them however they need you to be.
  • Empathy – Ability to feel another person’s pain as your own. To be open to letting yourself feel the pain as your own.
  • Caring – Being there when you are needed no matter how difficult it might be for you.
  • Unconditional – Without judgment or conditions.
  • Communicative – Discuss feelings and emotions honestly.

You are free to add to, change or delete any of these as it pertains to yourself. These are not easy to bring into your life, especially when talking about all Earthlings. Having them for yourself is the key. If you don’t love yourself then how can you love anyone else? Yet it is this Bloggers belief that if we take steps to live by these for ourselves and all Earthlings there can be peace and harmony on this our Space Ship Earth.

So how do you Love? What is Love for you? Can you bring these values into your life? Let each Earthling strive to bring Love for all into their daily lives. Like the song by Dionne Warwick says ‘What the World needs now is Love sweet Love’.

When done with the song please press the back arrow to return to this site! Please make comments so we can better understand this concept of Love!

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