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Although what is proposed may not be possible at this time, this Blogger can have a Vision Of A New World Order. This vision will hopefully be for the start of a conversation by others who read this. It would be nice to see others visions, or changes to mine, of a different world. It would be nice if all our visions incorporated some of the same ideas and concepts. The main sticking point is where to start with this new vision. So many things to consider. Since it is only a vision we can start anywhere.

This is an important issue to talk about. The new vision of the world requires that attitudes be different then they are now. In this bloggers mind the attitude of ‘What can I do for you that makes my life better’ is the first that needs to change. It now needs to be an attitude of ‘ What can I do for us that makes our lives are better’. This is a big change in attitude that is needed for any new vision to succeed. Envy and greed can go away with this attitude change. It is also important to change the attitude of we are better or worse than others. We are all Earthlings on this Space Ship Earth trying to live our lives to the best our abilities. There is no one that is better or worse than us, we are all equal in this life that was given to us. For each of the categories below there is also an attitude change that will need to go with it.

Cleaning, Food Prep and other non-pleasant chores
Okay! Realistically toilets, cleaning residents, food preparation, meal cleanup and other unpleasant chores need to be addressed. Who gets to do these ‘chores’ on an everyday basis? It is simply that everyone must take there turn in performing these tasks, unpleasant as some maybe. Everyone gets to help each other to deal with the everyday requirements of living life. There are many ways to allocate these ‘chores’ and it is up to the community to figure this out. It may even take time to find a system that works for all Earthlings in this community. After all this is a huge attitude adjustment.

Goods and Services
We are talking here about Food, shelter, water and other products that Earthlings need to live happy and healthy lives. Food would be provided from community gardens, fresh food being the key. Each community would be responsible for having garden plots that they maintained. Meat would be provide from the animals that each community raised. Every person in the community would have to spend time in the garden and tending the animals. This would also include preparing this food for use and doing what is needed to provide meat to the community. Shelter would be only that which is needed to house all members of the community, this can take many forms. A communal kitchen would best to provide a place for people to share meals with each other. Hopefully there would be those who enjoyed specific activities. These would include wood working, medical care, science, building, day care, gardening, tending animals, and any other area of interest to Earthlings of the community. The hope here is that as children grow up they will find something they specifically like. Water is the main concern for all Earthlings. Communities would need to be near a water source. Ways of purifying the water would need to be constructed. There would need to be a distribution system so all community members had water. How do good and services get allocated is another issue that needs to be addressed. Barter, money, time worked or some other system for allocation of goods and services needs to be established. So much to work out that can’t be addressed here. Need a book to lay out all that is needed and the issues to how to deal with issues that arise in creating this New World Order.

Interactions Between Earthlings
Interpersonal interactions between Earthlings must change. This means the way that Earthlings interact and see each other. When we are interacting with each other it needs to be in a peaceful and harmonious way. This means finding a way to eliminate or mitigate interactions in which there are issues that can not be rectified by the parties involved. Possibly a system of third party intervention. This system would provide a place where Earthlings can feel safe and confident that they are heard and their case viewed equally. Earthlings need to change the way in which they view each other. All Earthlings are equal and we are all in this together. This is after all Our Space Ship Earth.

Educating and Raising Earthlings
These are also things that need to be looked at. Educating and raising Earthlings to the new way of living is really important. It is mostly raising them to the new idea of community living and interacting with each other. Teaching them how to deal with each other as equals and co-creators of the world they are living in. Instilling in them the attitudes needed to live in the way described above. Helping them to find their passion so that they can live happier and more fulfilling lives. A subject that has never been broached before. How do you find what a new Earthling’s passion is? How do you help them reach their full potential at whatever it might be? Only by developing a new attitude about how new Earthlings can become what they want to be, not what they might be forced to be as is currently the case. Hopefully we can be open to new ways of educating and raising Earthlings so they find their passion and live it. That their passion can help all Earthlings support each other in living lives that are happier and more fulfilling. Be open to the possibilities.

Setting up and constructing a New World Order is not something to be taken lightly. There are so many things that are not addressed here. It is a start and maybe someone can take this vision and build on it or create one of their own. It is also difficult to envision given what exists now. It is radically different in many ways from what we have today. From big cities to small communities, large homes to small ones, individual living to community living, etc. This is a small look at what is thought to be a New World Order. It would be naive to think Earthlings could take what exists now and shrink it into this vision. Yet it has to start somewhere! As has been said many times in this Blog Earthlings can not sustain what we have constructed to this point in time. It is time to consider Alternatives and begin to implement them now.

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