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We live in an age of many technological possibilities. Technology has reached the point of being able to do so much of what we used to have to do. If Earthlings put their minds to using this for the good of all then so many possibilities could exist. It will take ingenuity, creativity, imagination and dedication to create uses for technology to make our current toils extinct. Earthlings possess most of the technology that is needed to eliminate so many tasks we now do.

Already Earthlings have technology that sweeps the floors, disposes of waste, makes office work easier, keeps track of thousands of facts, builds cars, manufactures so many items we use and even helps farm Earthlings food. When you look around at our Space Ship Earth technology is everywhere helping Earthlings live better than ever before.

The focus of this technology needs to be on providing Earthlings basic needs. These being food, water, shelter, clothing and eliminating waste. Then there are the other tasks that are not so pleasant. Preparing the food, cleaning the water, building shelters, making clothes, cleaning the toilets, doing the dishes, cleaning shelters and all the other tasks most Earthlings don’t like to do. Earthlings spend a great deal of time on these chores which we could eliminate or at least reduce and spend time on other desires.

Technology used for these purposes can truly set us free to explore this beautiful Space Ship Earth we inhabit. Of coarse we need to deal with the fact that we have separated ourselves from each other, we wage war on one another, our economic systems don’t work, our political system don’t work and other challenges covered in previous posts. Technology used for the good of all Earthlings in an environment of cooperation would go along way in providing paradise on our Space Ship Earth. Just food for thought as always.

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