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Have any of you asked this question of yourselves? Do you ever think about who you really are? Do you even know what this question means? In your life have you ever wondered about how you show up and what your purpose is? If you are like millions of others these questions have most likely crossed your mind. Then there are other millions who probably don’t care about these questions. Many millions of Earthlings are to involved surviving life to think about questions like these. Hopefully you are among the millions who have the time to consider these.

As is the case for most questions like this, the answer is usually complicated. We are born at a time and place in the History of our Spaceship Earth. Each age brings about it’s own distinct life processes. What was the environment 50 or even 10 years ago is not necessarily the same today. The laws, way we live, the environment, styles and norms are different during each stage of Earthlings advancing through time. All things are ever changing as Earthlings on our Spaceship Earth live each day, year, decade and century moving through their life. Societies change as we interact with each other and discover changes that need to be made for us to be able to live together.

This means that who you are is also in a constant state of change. Look at who you are now and see if you can discern how different you are from a year, 2 years, 5 years or even 10 years ago. You change as you go through the process that is life. People, places and things pass through your life. As this process take place you make changes to your thought processes to deal with them. Changes happen to what you think is right or wrong, how things need to happen and most importantly about how you show up in the world.

You have a mindset which determines everything that defines who you are at this time. This mindset contains all the rules and thoughts that make up who you are and how you show up on this Spaceship Earth. This mindset gets modified as we go through the process of life described above. Rules change and thoughts are different with each phase of this process called life. Change is the only constant there is. So Who Am I Really can depend on what stage of the process of life you are in. You are not the same as you were as an infant, toddler, adolescent, young adult, teenager and grown-up. So this question can only be answered by looking at the current Earthling you are and the stage of life you are at. The hope is you will ask this question and see if the answer you get is the one you want. If not then decide what changes to your mindset need to be made and become the Earthling you want to be. The Who You Really want to be.

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