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No matter what new way of living we can devise, all Earthlings’ mindsets will have to be changed. All Earthlings have a mindset in regards to how life is lived based on where they were born. So no matter where you live on this Spaceship Earth your current mindset needs to change. So any new way of living will mean a change in the mindset of all Earthlings, 8 billion or more. Boggles the mind when thought about in this way.

Why do all 8 billion or more mindsets have to change? This is because all of the resource around this Spaceship Earth will have to be used differently. Now resources are used by nations for their own purposes. In any new world the resources would need to be shared and not wasted. Greed and self interest are not something that is needed in any new world we create.

8 billion or more Earthlings are on this Spaceship Earth, one can see the difficulty in bringing about any new way for Earthlings to live. There are so many different ways that Earthling’s believe life needs to be lived on this Spaceship Earth depending on where they live in. What needs to be done is to find the commonalities that we can build on.

All people want to be safe in their lives, free from fear of physical harm. Food, water, shelter, clothing and survival items are also common needs for everyone on our Space Ship Earth. Keeping the planet safe is needed but not always addressed by most of the governments on our Space Ship Earth.

So given this idea of a mindset change, what can be done. First and foremost we need to be willing to change our mindsets. Earthlings need to become open to new ways of interacting with each other. Especially in the way we exchanging goods and services. This needs to be done in a new way that is unselfish and without self enrichment. Earthlings also need to make the protection of our Space Ship Earth a priority. Nothing that is done can be to the detriment of our Space Ship Earth.

Earthlings also must give up this idea that we are separate from each other. We may be different in a lot of ways, but the same in so many ways that matter. It is the belief of this blogger that we must give up this idea of ‘What can I do for you that makes my life better’. Being replaced by the idea of ‘What can I do for you that makes both our lives better together’. Once we can accept this idea so many things become possible and we can overcome our current mindset and replace it with another that works for all Earthlings.

Imagine your own mindset. How do you accept ideas and concepts that are foreign to everything you believe in? Not easy for sure. New ways of living, the economy, interactions with each other and others that are different. A world where we all get along and share all of the resources Earthlings wonderful Space Ship Earth provides.

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