There is a new way to communicate between Earthlings. It was developed by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PHD. It is really a revolutionary way for communicating between Earthlings. It allows for Earthlings to have a closer relationship with each other. It allows for deeper communication and brings more understanding about us as Earthlings and our connection with each other..
It is about connecting with ourselves and then others. What it does is allow us to have a deeper look at our feelings, needs and how to request what we need. It is a process to learn how this new communication style works. Basically it consists of three steps.
- Observe what you are feeling
- Identify your feeling (List provide in book there are more than you know)
- Identify what your needs are (A few of these are Appreciation, Empathy, Play and Nurturing others are in the book)
- Make a request for what you need
These may seem like easy steps to take. Yet it takes time and practice as this is a totally new way for Earthlings to communicate with each other. It takes learning about all the feelings that you may now have known about. There is more than just anger or frustration. Identifying with your needs will be something totally foreign to most Earthlings. When you look at the list of needs as, provided by the book, you discover many of the needs you never knew you had.
In your area you can see if there are classes or ways to introduce yourself to Non-Violent Communication. The book is on Amazon. “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides) By Marshall B. Rosenberg PHD. The hope is that you will at least look into this new way of communicating with each other and enhance the relationship with yourself and others.
This blogger has just started to learn this new way of communicating with others. I use lists from the book to help me go through the threes steps. There are so many feelings I didn’t know about. Needs are something I never thought about. Making a request to get a need met never occurred to me. Communicating in this way has brought closer connections with riends and loved ones.