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The current dilemma is the separation between Earthlings and nations states that need not exist. Earthlings have created this based on color, national origin, and other differences created by them. Nation states have created this by differing political philosophies, monetary systems, boundaries between territories and accumulating materials for war. Earthlings and nation states are competing for valuable resources to meet their needs. What better situation is there to cause strife between Earthlings and nation states. Our Space Ship Earth is filled with strife even though it seems that what Earthlings and nation states really desire is an earth filled with peace, harmony, joy, prosperity and love.

It seems no matter where you look around the world there is strife among Earthlings. Almost no nation of Earthlings is free from some internal and/or external struggle for freedom, equality, safety, recognition, and getting their basic needs met.

No Earthling or nation is not facing the dilemma of their actions in regards to the health of the very planet we depend on. Our Space Ship Earth is just that, a closed system. If we destroy our air, water, ground and other things we depend on for survival because of the strife we have created between ourselves, then we are indeed a failed evolutionary process.

So many Earthlings and nation states on our Space Ship Earth are destroying the very things we need to sustain it. They are polluting the air, oceans and soil we need to survive. The air is filled with toxic gases from industrial manufacturing, creating energy, clearance burning and cars. The rain forests are being burned to create more area for farms when it is needed to sustain the air we breathe. The ocean is being polluted with oil and plastics so that marine life and the health of the ocean is at risk. So many things contrary to our survival are being done to our Space Ship Earth. Nature itself seems to be in rebellion with volcanoes, forest fires and destructive storms. All basically caused by the strife that exists between Earthlings and nations states because of the failure to see what is similar rather than what is different.

So once again the big question is how do we as Earthlings and nation states get past the separations between us that we have created? How do we resolve the issues that we have created by our existing together on this Space Ship Earth? What will it take for us to realize that this is a space ship with a closed system. That once we have used up what it has to give there is no more. When the air is gone or to polluted to breath, the soil to used up to grow food and the water resources are used up or to polluted to use, what then. Nature itself may decide it is done with us and create situations that are not survivable.

Earthlings and nations states have created problems based on creating a separation which did not not exist when Earthlings were not here. It is really up to Earthlings to resolve as we have created it all. A way to co-exist and see how to nurture and take care of this Space Ship Earth that we all live on.

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