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Pessimistically speaking there is not considering the complexity of what exists at this time. This issue has been spoken about many times before. Yet there must be hope that Earthlings can change what exists now into something better, something that is a successful Economic and Governing System. This would be using the criteria from the previous Post.

It can be asked what is it that can bring about the change we need? It seems from the History of Earthlings that it will take a hammer to the head, so to speak. Earthlings seem to remain stuck in the same old rut unless there is something that comes along that forces them to change, it is slow to process. Even now with the Covid-19 virus, global warming, war, famine and the possibility of dwindling resources, Earthlings are reluctant to change. To even consider changes to a new way of living together that sees Our Space Ship Earth and us survive.

Through out history you can point to times when change occurred. One of the biggest ones that can be pointed to is the Black Plague of the Middle Ages. Out of this period the Renaissance flourished. It was a rebirth of Earthlings which brought about a change in which humanism, the arts, sciences and the study of nature became important. It substantially changed the Governing and Economic systems of the day.

There is a list of Historic events that have changed the world. The few this blogger knows of are the one above, Rise and fall of Greek and Roman cultures, the Reformation, French Revolution, All Wars (especially I and II), the Atomic Bomb, Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, All Wars, the Women’s movement, and the Hippy movement to name a few. These all had a profound effect on how economies and governments have been changed. These are in one way or another what I would call hammer to the head.

Unfortunately for Earthlings it will take a giant hammer to the head to change all that exists into something different. Something that is considered, by this Blog, to be a successful Economic and Governing system. Probably when Our Space Ship Earth has given all that it can and can give no more. When there is not enough food, water, minerals or a safe environment to maintain Earthlings. Sad as this seems my hope is that those whom might survive will decide to do better than those of us who have come before. If not then Earthlings have been indeed a dead end evolutionary process.

This is not to meant to be the last entry in this Blog. It will keep exploring and hoping that a dialog can be started that will bring about the changes needed by Earthlings to maybe someday flourish and not be a dead end Evolutionary process.

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