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What is the way forward from where we as earthlings now. It is most likely a very slow process based on history. Change is the only constant that happens as we live our daily lives. Look at history and you can see that we do not exist as we have at any point in the past. Earthlings do not live as the Greeks or Romans did thousands of years ago. Their influence is still apart of us yet we live our lives entirely different than they did. History is a flow of people, places, things and changes. It has been a slow process to get where we are at now.

It seems change is brought about by those willing to challenge the status quo. Brave souls that in, some cases, were willing to give up their lives for what they believed in. Beliefs that ran against the current laws or morals of the time. There were also some who simply came up with an idea that became acceptable to the majority of others. Ideas that move us forward to new and interesting lives. So what do Earthlings do to bring about changes as we move forward?

It is for each person to change within themselves. Inner change is the only way to bring about external change. It is about being brave and strong enough to get out and stand up for the change we want to see. To be willing to give whatever it takes to bring changes to ourselves and save our Space Ship Earth. To know that maybe the changes needed now may not happen within our lifetime and yet still have faith that it can happen. That is difficult to do when you know changes are needed now to save Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth. Without Hope there is no chance at all of Earthlings or or our Space Ship Earth surviving. Earthlings and our space ship earth will be gone.

So let us continue to have Hope that Earthlings will not be a dead end evolutionary process. That our Space Ship Earth will sustain us until the changes needed are made. Each individual Earthling needs to change within so that this will become a reality. The hope is also that we have the time needed to bring about the changes needed to save Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth.

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