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Hatred and Greed are the two most obvious Earthling characteristics that are driving us to extinction. Hatred is all around us. Religious hatred of those that do not believe the way they do. Ethnic hatred of those that are different from the way we are in looks and culture. Political hatred of those that hold a different idea of the way government is run how it is constructed. National hatred of countries that we feel threaten us economically and physically. Hatred is the drive behind wars, violence, murder and anything else that creates the need for violence towards others..

Greed is also all around us. Earthlings that have more than they need and still want more and are unwilling to share. Greed can also be using others to get what we want for ourselves regardless of the consequences to others. How many Earthlings have so much more than they need in money and material possessions. Honestly as and individual, my house contains way more than I need. As an ode to this greed Earthlings have created storage places to keep the extra stuff they can’t keep at their homes. There are many of these places around to help us with our Greed, an inability to let go of and collect stuff.

Many economies around the world need to convince us that we need more. More of things that are not really necessary for us to live comfortably. Just turn on you TV and listen to t he adds that try to get us to buy things that are nice but really don’t make life better, in my opinion. Earthlings are urged to buy more to look better, have more than others and just buy stuff. Economies need to change so that we have what we need to live comfortably. Food, water, shelter, medical care, cloths and what makes us comfortable. The last is a warm or cool home, comfortable sleeping arrangements, food preparation place and a place to relax.

Hatred because of national and cultural differences is also created by Earthlings to keep us separated from each other. It is how Earthlings create the need for wars and conflicts. Look around the world and see that any and all wars and conflicts are really unnecessary, created by those in power to keep us separated. If you think about it Earthlings are not, I think, naturally into killing each other. It is only when a perceived wrong can be created that those in power create hatred for those that have done this wrong. Just ask any soldier that has fought in a war or conflict the derogatory name given to the enemy.

These issues have been addressed indirectly through out this Blog. Hatred can only be dealt with through learning acceptance that we are not all the same in culture, politics religion and other ways. Greed can only be addressed if we are willing to share the resources of this bountiful planet with each other equally. Earthlings are united by the fact that we all occupy this planet, our space ship earth. If we do not, as stated many times in this blog, learn to live with one another and share with one another we are destined for extinction.

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