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This is the biggest requirement for any new change to take place. Throughout history changes only became possible with a change in Attitude. What is attitude you may wonder? It is a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. The most important part is the ‘reflected in a person’s behavior’. Our attitude determines how we interact with each other in our daily lives. Earthlings live according to their attitudes.

Attitudes develop based on where we live on this Space Ship Earth of ours. If you live in the USA, Russia, China, India, Middle East or any of the defined regions of this planet your attitudes are different. So for positive change to take place on this Space Ship Earth every earthling must change their attitude. This is no easy thing to hope for. I have discussed this many times in this Blog.

So what is the biggest attitude change that needs to occur for things to be different or change? It is that somehow we are all different. That because we live in another place on this Space Ship Earth we are somehow inferior, non-deserving, need to die or are not an Earthling somehow. It is the reason that we have so many problems on this Space Ship Earth. This is caused by the biggest attitude that we are all not united on this Space Ship Earth. We are not separate! Today we are finding this out by an outbreak of a Pandemic of Global proportions. There is not one portion of our Space Ship Earth not affected by this.

There are other examples of how we are all together in this. World weather patterns are changing, nuclear accidents spreading radiation world wide, wars, famine, population pressures, drought, the depletion of the Ozone layer and others. Earthlings are all together in this even if they don’t want to acknowledge it. No one will escape the consequences of what all Earthlings are doing to their Space Ship Earth.

Once we can change our attitude from one of our differences to one of our connections, many things become possible. A world where we are working together to maintain and preserve our Space Ship Earth. One in which the possibilities are endless about new ways to produce and distribute what we need. Be united in our efforts about living together in peace, harmony and love. It will be an amazing thing for all Earthlings to be united for our common good as well as this Space Ship Earth all Earthlings live on.

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