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One of the most important things to changing Earthlings is to change how our babies are raised. Raising them in a different way can bring about new possibilities of how Earthlings and then our Space Ship Earth can be changed. If Earthlings behave differently then they do now, there is hope for the future of Earthlings and for this Space Ship Earth.

At this moment babies are raised differently around our Globe. They are raised in a manner consistent with where they are born and the ideas of that area on our Space Ship Earth. That process is what determines who and what a baby will become as an adult. Babies have been raised basically this same way since the beginning of Earthlings. Through evolving ideas as time passes. There has been no conscious questioning of what ideas are good or not good. This has led to the condition of our Space Ship Earth now. It is responsible for all of the problems we face at this time. These being global strife between nations, poverty, homelessness, hunger, sickness and the terrible condition of our Space Ship Earth. Many babies around the world do not get their basic needs met because of these thing and it is the reason for a high infant mortality rate in so many areas of our Space Ship Earth.

No one has taken the time to explore this process of raising babies on a Global basis to see what changes can be made for the betterment of all Earthlings and our Space Ship Earth. We know babies need food, shelter, cloths and nurturing to grow and thrive. These things can’t change as the babies survival depends on it. How do we change the way babies are raised to fit into a new Global society?

So we need to ask the question of how we change so that all babies get there survival needs met to start. Earthlings need to resolve their differences and change to a global economy in order to insure that what is needed is available for them. At this time some may say we have a global economy. This may be true but it is a global economy based on nation states and what they can get out of it and not on how to globally get all Earthlings, especially babies, needs met.

Then babies need to get the love and nurturing they need to be mentally and physically healthy. They need to be raised in a peaceful and harmonious environment without the conflicts most are subjected to. In communities that are dedicated to the love and nurturing they need.

A new global environment will definitely be different from the one we know now. It will be one that exists without the separation from each other that we have now. It will be one that consists of a united Space Ship Earth with all Earthlings dedicated to working together for all. There will be an economy that is simpler and gives all earthlings the basic needs they need. It will not be one where we create needs beyond those required or which bring enjoyment into Earthlings lives. A discussion needs to take place so that Earthlings can determine what a new global environment will look like. Ideas have been proposed in this blog. This blogger knows that others can only enhance or even better what has been suggested here. It takes all Earthlings to be involved in this process.

Then there are some difficult questions to resolve when talking about raising babies in a new global environment. Are babies blank slates to be imprinted with the ideas of the environment they are born into? Can we raise babies differently then we do now? What do we do to raise them to become participating members of a global society? What part does DNA have to do with our mental and physical state? Do we use what we know about DNA to manipulate what babies become mentally and physically? Since Earthlings needs will be simpler only certain types of things will be needed and not the prolific ones that exist now. How do we determine if we control who and what they grow up to be? How do we provide them with the experiences to become all that they deserve to be? How do we raise baby in this new Space Ship Earth we create together?

This Blogger has stated many times why we are the way we are now. For our babies to become the global inhabitants of this Space Ship Earth what does that look like? What is the social order, economy and who does what and when? In this Blog these questions have been posed and some ideas put forth.

So raising baby is not as easy as one would think for a Global society. For as long as Earthlings have been here we have just evolved as time passes. It is now time to stop and make an aware decision as to where we want to go and how we want this Space Ship Earth and all Earthlings to thrive. Then possibly we can really determine on How To Raise Baby.

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