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How we Earthlings got here on this planet, will in truth, never be known. With all of our science and mythology about it no one knows positively how long the universe has existed or why it was created. Think about the four billion years our Space Ship Earth has been here and it will boggle your mind. As far as Earthlings science can determine we have only been here between 200,000 and 300,00 years. Religion puts creation at 6,000 to 15,000 years ago, still a long time. Think about your own life. If you are lucky you will only live to be between 70 and 80 years old. A short time in the clock of the universe. It is difficult to believe that anyone can know what it is really about considering the vastness of it all and the time of it has existed. Earthlings can only give it their best shot based on what we can discern from where we are at now with science or religion.

Evolution and religion are the most controversial subject Earthlings can debate, okay there may be others. Science basically denies God and religion basically denies science, what more controversy can Earthlings create. Each Earthling must make up their own minds about this subject, although some may not even care. Those that believe in a religious perspective think that God made everything. Science thus far as put it’s faith in evolution. There maybe other perspectives that are unknown to this Blogger and will not be discussed here.

This Blogger happens to believe in evolution currently, always open to change. So what is evolution to Earthlings. It is a process that has brought us to our present physical form by natural selection. This physical form includes our bodies as well as our brains. Natural selection has affected both of these things through time. As our brains evolved so did science, philosophies, societies and cultures. So not only did we evolve physically but also mentally. Earthlings have gone from tribes, to villages, to cities and to countries. Also from superstition to science, cultures, religion and all that exists now.

What does this mean for as Earthlings? It means we have evolved in a random manner instead of one guided by a design of our choosing. Did Earthlings think about what establishing different tribes meant? That it meant competition for resources and land. Which in turn led to to conflict which meant death and destruction of the very resources we had or wanted. It also led to different languages and cultures making it difficult to communicate with or understand one another to resolve differences. It can be submitted that it even led to a lack of population control. The more people the more resources that need to be produced for their survival. Also more warriors are needed to protect these resources of people and territory. It wasn’t like we thought about the consequences of all this, it just evolved. It took time for our brains to develop enough for us to get to where we are now.

Consider how things might have evolved if we had all of the capabilities we now have when we started. Earthlings might be in a better place around our Space Ship Earth than we are now. Instead of all the problems that exist we might have a world united to provide resources for all instead of divided and only for the few. The possibilities are amazing when you consider our Space Ship Earth united and all Earthlings working together for the good of all.

Evolution has left Earthlings at the threshold of a great new era. Now all that we have to do is use our knowledge and intelligence to step back and create a paradise for all.

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