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When this Blog was started six years ago it was hoped that a discussion might happen on how change to this Planet we call home, our Space Ship Earth. It is unfortunate that the discussions hoped for have not occurred. There was an attempt made to insure there was plenty of opportunity for making comments on all of the posts. It was made clear that it didn’t matter if you agreed, had a different idea or disagreed with what was written in a post. Every page has a link at the bottom that takes you to a comment page. One of the tabs on the first page also talks about making comments.

The desire was for people visiting this site to respond with whatever their thoughts might be on any post made. As a matter of fact it is in the thoughts of those that disagreed that possibly a discussion would bring about a new understanding for all of us. For those that agreed it was hoped that a refinement of the ideas in the post might occur, enhanced views of what was put forth. It is only in coming together to discuss ideas that we can possibly see a better way forward.

I believe that the majority of the people on this Space Ship Earth believe everything is fine. Yet the new is filled with stories of violence, poverty, homelessness, illness and other results of the way things work now. It is also has stories of hope, helpfulness, kindness and love. The focus though seems to be on the negative that exists. Many times in this Blog a discussion about these things has been put forth in a post. There are Posts that have both given ideas as to why we have the problems we do and possible resolutions to them. It is this Blogger belief that we can solve Earthlings problems and create a fantastic Space Ship Earth.

This Blogger is only one Earthling on this vast planet. The ideas put here are neither perfect or complete. There is always room for improvement, discussion and communication about it all. My request is that if you are here reading these Posts, then leave your ideas in a comment. Lets start a discussion so that we can change what needs to be and keep what works. Let us work together to make this a better Space Ship Earth, and us better Earthlings together.


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