Please make a comment to this Blog. Whatever you have to say is valuable to me. A discussion can not occur if there is only a one side conversation.

This Blogger is not the only person in the world with ideas. The thoughts posted here are mine alone. Other thoughts and ideas are needed to shape and form a new way of living for us all.

The way the world works now is broken. Earthlings in general are suffering from a lack of the basic necessities of life. A new way forward is needed so that all Earthlings can enjoy the vast benefits of this Space Ship Earth we all live on.

Once again please make comments! A Blog is here for the purpose of starting conversations and bringing together diverse ideas. Maybe from these we can find this new way forward for all Earthlings on this Space Ship Earth!

It really easy! “Click here to leave a comment” is on the bottom of every page and at the bottom right of each page.
