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In most of the posts on this site, equality has been stated as the desirable outcome of any new social construct we chose. So why does there need to be equality between Earthlings? Equality being with resources and how we interact with each other. The answer is that most strife is caused between those who have and those who do not, inequality. This conflict occurs because those who don’t have desired resources sometimes take from those who do have them; robbery, theft, murder etc.. Strife is also caused by not dealing with each others as equals; prejudice, looks, looking at others as less than or more than us, etc.. When Earthlings interact as equals economically, socially and personally, it seems strife is less prevalent then when we don’t. Can’t we all just get along?

As stated in a previous Blog there really are no rules to living life on our Space Ship Earth. As Earthling’s evolved we have made up the rules for life as needed because of our interactions with one another. Tribes needed leaders to guide them and rules on how to relate to each other. Language was needed so we could understand each other in a meaningful way. Rules developed from our need to relate to each other, as tribes or groups of Earthlings.

Eventually tribes or groups of Earthlings decided they needed to have conflicts with each other for resources, territory, food and other Earthlings. Again because of inequality of resources and number of Earthlings in these tribes. This blogger is no expert and depends on the knowledge of history gathered from the past. These tribal conflicts seemed to continue through out history into our present where we have developed more complex societies and to ways to destroy each other.

Presently it seems that the rule is you must earn what you get or have. That Earthlings are getting or having what they need without earning it is contrary to this belief. This idea that Earthling must do something through work, trade or establishing a business to make money from others to get or have what they need is the rule. It seems the problem here is that there are to many Earthlings to do these things to get what they want or have. It has created a great division between those who have and those who have not.

In this bloggers estimation equality of resources and interactions is needed to eliminate conflict. It would seem that if everyone has what they need to survive, first of all, a lot of conflict wouldn’t be needed. If we treated each other with equality even more conflict would not be necessary. To see this Earthlings must create a vision of what equality of resources and interactions looks like, a new world order. That vision does not currently exist on this Space Ship Earth we all occupy. Also we don’t have time to continue on the present course we are on. That is why we need a society where all resource are used to meet the survival needs of all Earthlings and all Earthlings are treated as equals. This blog is dedicated to finding this vision and creating it so our Space Ship Earth Survives. It can not survive what we have created now. This can be seen by all that is going on upon our Space Ship Earth. We are in this together. Just view the picture below to sense this.

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