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Life is a flow and a process. People, Places and things flow through your life each day. Life does not stand still because it is in constant motion at all the moments of your life. How your mind reacts to these as they come through your life is the process. Your mind is always processing these people, places and things as they come into your life. It produces the thoughts, actions and emotions you take as your mind goes through this flow. The decisions you make have an impact on the flow of your life. Flow and process interact together. They determine who you will become and what your life will be like.

The flow of life starts from the minute you take your first breath until you take your last one. People, places and things will be coming trough your life in constant motion. Even when you think you are being still and getting away from everything it is still going on around you and through you. The interesting part is you never know for sure what life is bringing your way. Even when you make plans for your life, it may not turn out the way you expect. With so many people, places and things coming through your life the flow is ever changing. The flow and process comes through the future into the present and out to the past.

Each of us has a brain that is unique. It has been shaped by where you were born, the people in your life and the decisions you have made by going through the flow and process of life. This brain determines how we deal with all of these people, places and things that come through our life. You are the one that decides how to deal with all of these as they come into, be and go from your life. The future is what is coming, the present is the being, the past is what is gone.

Every Earthling is as unique just like you. You can imagine how this makes life so interesting. All Earthlings interacting with each other in the flow. Each one dealing with it by making decisions of their own, all of the processes going on. Think about life and how you and others affect each other in the flow and process of it. This all offered up to give something to think about how your daily life is so intertwined with other Earthlings. Indeed we are all in this together. Let us reflect on how we can make better decisions in the process to better help us stay united. To make the flow of life be easier and happier for all Earthlings.

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