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The Mystery


Every Earthling faces this mystery.  How each of us comes to terms with this trilogy of existence is an individual choice.  A choice influenced by who we are and where we exist as Earthlings on our planet.  It can also be influenced by the experiences we have as the Earthlings we are in this life.

As far as we know everything is born, lives, and dies.  Stars, planets, solar systems, earthlings and all things that come into existence are not immune to this trilogy.  Even our own planet will go through this trilogy.  One day there will no longer be a Sun and when it dies so does the earth.

Every earthling that is born will experience this trilogy of existence.  You have been born into life.  Now you are experiencing life on this planet earth.  In the unknown space of time we have to live we get to experience life as it happens around us.  People, places and things move through our lives changing us as we change them.  Then there comes that moment when we are here no longer.

How do we as earthlings understand the reason we are born, live and die?  In my mind it is a mystery I don’t understand.  Others have chosen to develop a belief system that explains it for themselves.  So for them it is no mystery but a belief based on revelations by someone else or their own experiences.

The Conflict

It seems that throughout time earthlings have tried to understand this trilogy of life.  Earthlings have come to believe in many different explanations for this trilogy.  Even the most ancient cultures had some beliefs about this trilogy of life.  Ancient burial sites with ritualistic settings have been found.  The Chinese, Indians of India, Indians of the Americas, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, Africans, Europeans and tribal cultures have created beliefs around this trilogy.

It is the differences in these beliefs about this trilogy of life that have caused so many conflicts throughout history.  In most cases because some Earthlings believe theirs is the true explanation and that all others must be converted or eradicated.  In this process so much violence and bloodshed has occurred between Earthlings.  All to often the news these days is filled with vivid descriptions of the violence and bloodshed caused by the need to convert or eradicate others of a different belief.

In my mind this famous quote sums it up “Until there is peace between religions, there can be no peace in the world.”  Thich Nhat Hanh.  Religion being the beliefs about the trilogy of life in my mind.

Can Earthlings find a peace between all beliefs and religions in the world that are in conflict now?  Is it possible for you to let others have their beliefs without needing to convert or eradicate them?

Your comments and thoughts are always appreciated.

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