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In a prior post the fact that few or no comments are being made to this blog was talked about. Once again the question of why so few or no comments are being written is asked. It is apparent from the counts on the posts that Earthlings are reading them. There must be some feelings, ideas or emotions about what is being read by the readers. Yet no comments have been posted for some time, at least valid ones. Comments that are spammers, inappropriate or makes no sense will not accepted.

An email or other identification is not requested, so comments are anonymous. If however an email is provided the following conditions will be followed for a response. If it is specifically stated in the comment no response is wanted, none will be made. A response will be given if it is felt some clarification is needed or to answer questions raised about the specific post commented on. Please make it clear at the end of your comment that no response is wanted.

Because you are reading this post it would be appreciated if some comment can be given that might help to understand this situation. The desire is to truly get a discussion started on how we can change our world. Some of the posts have stated that it is difficult for our Space Ship Earth to be changed. None have said it is entirely impossible. Only by discussing all ideas or concepts about changing our Space Ship Earth can it start to happen. There are so many talented thinkers that new ideas must abound. They would be greatly appreciated.

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