One might wonder why even ask this question. With earthlings living longer and longer it becomes harder and harder to provide resources for all of us on our Space Ship Earth. Lets be honest older earthlings are a strain on our Space Ship Earth’s resources. Being one of these older earthlings I don not ask this question lightly. All of the earthlings that are living longer might object to the implications of this question, as well as their families. I can understand as earthlings seem to want to avoid death as long as possible.
No one can avoid the reality of death. Every earthling will one day no longer exist. The question is what should the life span of earthlings be? In the 1960’s the lifespan was 70 years old now in 2023 it is 76 years old, a decrease from the 79 years old of the current previous years. This decrease is due to a rise in many factors, COVID being one. Many new deceases, drug use, increase in cancers, suicide and Alzheimer’s have contributed to this drop in life expectancy.
So many people are living longer because of modern drugs. Without these drugs, many older earthlings would not be alive. So there would be a lot less earthlings to use the resources we have. Death is not a pleasant thing to think about, yet it seems necessary for earthlings to face the fact that they will die. Given the choose of dying or taking drugs most earthlings will prolong their lives no matter what it takes. Living well past what they might have.
Most older people live life in denial of the inevitable. They have to take drugs, lay in bed, use walkers and canes and are desperately clinging to life.Just so they can live a few moments more. It would be nice if we all could face the fact that we will die! It then might be possible for us older earthlings to make room for the younger ones just getting started. Most of us older people have had good lives and now cling to life just for one more moment.
It might have been nice if we earthlings had taken to the ways of some native tribes around the world. Population growth was based on sustainability of it. No more people can be born than can be supported by the tribe. This means the resources that are available to it. Elder knew when it was their time and wondered off to make peace with the end of life.
Unfortunately this is not the case. Our Space Ship Earth now has to sustain 7.7 billion give or take. It is reaching the point where it will not be able to sustain that many earthlings. This is considering food, water, housing, medical and earthlings other needs.
So living longer is really not a good thing for our Space Ship Earth. Living until you are no longer capable of living well is what is required. Of course this is relative to the aged earthling you are talking to. What is living well? There is a movie called “Soylent Green”. It is a movie that shows where earthlings might be headed if we continue our current path. It is not a good place for us as earthlings to contemplate.