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This Blog has talked in other Posts about changes in Earthlings thinking needed for thinking outside the box so real change can occur. If Earthlings are not able to make these changes to their thinking, than real change will remain elusive to us. We will remain stuck in this Box we are currently in! The current state of things; War, Hunger, Disease, Humanitarian disasters and the rest of what Earthlings deal with now. Mostly brough about by Earthlings current way of thinking.

Inside the Box are all of the current ideas, concepts, rules and attitudes about how Earthlings are to live life now. These are determined by the geographical area of our Space Ship Earth Earthlings live in. There are approximately eight billion Earthlings living here in a multitude of these areas. All with differing ways of living. We have been filling the box with the above for millions of years as Earthlings have lived through the ages. Each evolution of Earthlings building and changing things as life proceeds.

Thinking outside the Box means getting beyond the above mentioned ideas and attitudes we have now and finding new ones. This is difficult when we are comfortable in the Box we reside in now, even with all of it’s problems. Change can only come when enough Earthlings have developed ideas and concepts different from the ones we now have. They must also be willing to do what it takes to bring about these changes.

Go back in history and you can see that change does not come easily for Earthlings. It comes about when Earthlings are willing to challenge the status quo. Take the struggle of women, blacks, farmworkers, gays, other gender and groups like these that were willing to do what it took to change the way they were treated. They bravely suffered at the hands of those who wanted things to stay the same. Change does now come easy on this Space Ship Earth where we live. When this blogger says this it is his intent to refect on the words put down here and ask what is he willing to do.

First Earthlings who want to change the world Earthling live on now, must develop the idas for change. Tearing down must come with a way to rebuild. These things have been talked about before. New social and economic systems need to be developed with the framework to build a new Space Ship Earth. Ideas have been presented in this blog for stimulating these new systems. The hope is that in reading this Earthlings can develop a new way forard for all Earthlings. Working together to bring a life that brings about Peace, Harmony, Happinness and Joy to all Earthlings.

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