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Religion has been and still is the biggest challenge Earthlings have faced. History is filled with stories of religious conflicts and wars from ancient times until this present day. The three biggest conflicts seem to be between Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim religions. Looking around the world most there are a few conflicts going on in our present day that are fueled by these religious groups.

Lets also not forget the political conflicts now taking place at the same time. These conflicts are especially fueled by the differences between communist and democratic beliefs in governing Earthlings. Most of the communist lands are not socialistic, as intended, but autocratic or totalitarian regimes. I would argue that most democracies are are mostly guided not by the people, as intended, but by corporate interests. Nether system seems to work as intended. Looking around the world today it can be seen that these political systems are failures. Earthlings still have to deal with poverty, hunger and a disparity between those who have and those who do not. This is based on this bloggers belief that any system should account for these.

Even more interesting is the different sects of the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim religions. Around the world the christian religions have many different ways in which they believe in God. There are undetermined numbers of differently named faiths. The Muslims are divided by sects. The major ones are the Sunni and Shi i ones. The Jewish faith has at least Six different sects in it’s belief system. Earthlings are a really struggling to find there way in this universe in which we live.

There are no answers that are readily available to deal with these issues as far as is known. That is why this blog exists, lets find anther way to live peacefully and in unity so every Earthlings basic needs can be met. A place where we respect each others beliefs and work together for the betterment of all Earthlings.

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