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It was stated in a post that new ideas become possible when Earthlings get past their personal and cultural egos.  New ideas that are outside the box of Earthlings current way of thinking and living.

It seems that new ideas need time to put into effect.  It took time for Earthlings to get to where we are at and it will take time to get to a new way of thinking and living.  A time when Earthlings can accept these new ideas that are outside of their current way of thinking and living.

When considering new ideas that are outside the box of Earthlings current way of thinking and living the idea of plausibility and feasibility arises.  This means is it acceptable and can it be done.

This does not mean that any idea should be dismissed.  It only means that some ideas may have to be implemented over time or in pieces.  Others may have to wait until they are both plausible an feasible.  That they become both acceptable and can be done.

Some  ideas that are purposed may never be plausible or feasible at the same time.  If it is one but not the other then it is not a usable idea, at least until there is a change in plausibility or feasibility.

As an example it may be feasible for us all to run around naked and yet not plausible.  Everyone can run around naked so it is possible.  It is however not acceptable to run around naked so it can not be done at this time.  There are laws and moral standards in place that prohibit this behavior in most societies.   This being the case running around naked is feasible but not plausible.

In creating our new world you can see why each idea outside the box needs this test of plausibility, and feasibility.  Ideas tested in this way make it possible to discern if they can be implemented now or need to wait until a future time.

What does this mean for thinking outside the box.  It means that any idea can be purposed for living in a new way, yet it must be plausible as well as feasible.  Hopefully as we change our world more ideas will become acceptable and can be done when purposed.

In this present moment we need new ideas for us to live and interact together.  These need to be, for the present time, acceptable as well as they can be done.  Change comes slowly for earthlings.  As mentioned before it has taken us thousands of years of struggle to get to where we are now.  Time for new ideas and concepts different from the  past to become plausible and feasible.

Looking at History you can see how new ideas and concepts for living have come about over time.  Some were not acceptable at the time even though they could be done.  It was feasible for women to vote but not plausible because of the ideas and attitudes of those times.  As more and more people accepted the idea that women were entitled to vote it became possible to give them the vote.

I hope this makes some sense in the quest to change Earthlings and the world we all live on.  Change does not come easy yet it does and will come.  Let us as Earthlings be more centered in our common good rather than in the interest of the few.

Your comments and ideas on this and all Posts are always welcomed.  Please feel free to make a comment or email me with your ideas.  This means even those that don’t view things in the same way.

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