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The following is based on what an Economic System is composed of.


These are not owned by anyone.  Imagine that all of the earth is a resource and it belongs to all Earthlings.  Those natural resources that it does have can be used for the good of all Earthlings and not just the few.  They would be used conservatively.  Only those resources that all Earthlings need and some that might enhance their lives would be used.  Resources that are not plentiful would not be used unless necessary.


Imagine that only necessary products for the survival and comfort of Earthlings were manufactured.  These would mainly be housing, food, water, clothing, furniture and medicine. Other items can be discussed as needed for the comfort and connection we want.

How do Earthlings resources get manufactured into these necessary items.  Earthlings seem to develop an interest in doing an activity.  This can be in growing things, wood working, healing, building, inventing or any number of other activities that can be thought of.  So Earthlings would be encouraged to follow there interests in these areas.  The question to be answered is how to accomplish getting everyone involved?

This would mean that food can be grown, water processed for use, houses built, healing done, furniture built,  needed appliances constructed and other needs that might arise satisfied.  As the need arose other items could be produced.


Next question is about how these products get distributed?  Food and water of course are given to everyone.  Earthlings would only use the food they need.  This would eliminate the waste we have in the present system.

Housing would be designed so that people would share things that can be.  Included in this would be kitchen and bathroom facilities.  Apartments would be constructed to accommodate this structure.  Questions about who gets what space and how much is needed must be looked at.

Clothing and furniture can be requested and produced as needed.  Both of these can be produced by the design of each Earthling working with the specialist in that area.

Most importantly medicine and health care would be available to every Earthling.  When the need arose for medical care or medicine it would be provided.  No one would be denied the right to medical care and medications.  This is based on the hope that there would be people interested in healing and producing medicine.


What is purposed here is very simple.  There are so many other questions to be answered.  The above does not take into consideration who cleans the toilets, cooks the food, cleans the living quarters and other tasks that are not exactly desirable.  It does not say how we get to a mental attitude that even allows this for consideration.  These are things that would need to be discussed and worked out.

What it does mean is it that no resources need be wasted.  Nothing need be manufactured that is not required for Earthlings to live adequately.  Every Earthling would have access to medical, living arrangements, water or any other necessity of life.

This proposal runs contrary to the current system of doing things of coarse.  It would be simplistic to think that the system described above would just be established.  A great deal of change would be required in Earthlings current mental attitude.  Yet with this system Earthlings might possibly solve the problems of illness, homelessness, hunger, thirst and maybe even the struggle to live and war.  Please submit your comments.  No comment is unwelcome, even criticism.

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