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I have written a lot in this blog about change.  It is only fair that I open myself up to this question of change.  I am of coarse a part of the American culture.  As such I have lived here in the United States of America my whole life.  In all honesty I have enjoyed a certain prosperity that others have not.

My parents always provide enough food, clothing, water, shelter and other comforts for us growing up.  Now I own my own home, have a comfortable retirement,  money in the bank and most important of all my health.  So I may not be in the 1% but I am certainly in the top 30 – 50%.  So why do I espouse radical change for the world?

Mainly because I see no need for there to be hungry, homeless, ill and suffering people.  Also there is no need for the wastefulness that goes on in this world.  There are warehouses and stores filled with goods that are not used because of the current social-economic system.  The world can provide enough of everything to alleviate all of the problems above.

The waste that goes on because of the current social-economic system is beyond belief.  I am sad that I belong to such a prosperous country unwilling to do what it takes to insure everyone is taken care of simply because of the fear to change what exists.

When I look around my house there is so much that I have that I don’t really need.  Things that of coarse I have become accustomed to.  To many cloths, furniture, appliances and stuff.

As I drive around the city I see so many storage facilities where people store things they don’t use but want to keep.  There are hundreds of units and most of them are rented.  Myself as others have become used to having the stuff.  And what stuff we can’t keep in our homes gets put in garages and storage.

So it is fair to ask what am I willing to give up to get to what I purpose?  I am willing to give up a lot actually.  Everything I have if everyone had enough food, water, shelter and medical care, including myself of coarse.  Even now I avoid getting what I don’t need or won’t use.  I am giving to charity anything that I don’t use or really need.  It is a little at a time.  I am still use to having the stuff.

I think that if we learned to share there would be plenty of computers, TVs, transportation, furniture, entertainment and many of the other things that make life comfortable now.  The waste that exists now can be eliminated.  I have 3 TVs in my house,  2 of which I use occasionally.  I admit I am not sure of how to deal with that yet.

I honestly have no idea about how to get from this way of life to a new way of life.  As I said before there are no easy answers.  Earthlings live in complex cultures and diverse areas of this planet.  I can only imagine the change I want to see and be that as much as possible now.

I keep hoping that this Blog will stimulate the conversation needed to bring about a change.  A change from what exists now to a something better for every Earthling on our planet.  So please leave any comment it will be appreciated no matter what it is.

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2 Replies to “An Honest Truth”

  1. Perhaps economic pressure will help. For example, housing pressure has driven people to seek alternative housing including tiny homes. Many people are now interested in living with less as a lifestyle (not just because they have a tiny house or apartment).

  2. It seems Earthlings need a good bonk over the head for meaningful change to occur. So yes it may be that change will not come until we have to do so. Thanks again for stimulating a conversation.

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