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The earth has a plentiful amount of resources such as food, water shelter and medicine.  Some resources are not as plentiful as others such as rare metals, minerals and some plants.  How do you manage all of these resources in a new economic system?  Let us take food first.

Food is a plentiful resource.  If you look around at the world we produce an abundance of food.  Take one large city such as New York City.  Consider all of the grocery stores, restaurants, delis, homes and other users of food.  Now consider the US, Russia, China, India and any major country.  That is a lot of food to produce and distribute.

It is mind boggling that on that scale enough food is produced to supply all that is necessary for these places.  Yet it seems like everyday these places get enough food to stay in business or feed a family on a daily basis.

So you may ask why do we have Earthlings that are going hungry in such large numbers?  It is because the current economic system is wasteful.  Consider how much food grocery stores, restaurants, delis, homes and other users of food toss out everyday.  Because the food is beyond a certain date, a person didn’t eat all the food ordered and the households that toss out unused food.  Our dumps are filled with this waste of food.

If you have ever traveled through any farmland you can see the waste that goes on there.  If a crop is grown it is to produce the most saleable items it can.  When a crop is harvested only the best is taken.  All the rest of the crop is left in the field to rot or be plowed under.  So much food is wasted by our current farming methods.

Given the two factors above you can see that there is a great deal of food wasted.  Changing these gives Earthlings the possibility of eliminating hunger on this planet.  If we eliminated the current economic system that would be a start.  I know that part of the solution is to produce food for everyone and not just those that can afford it.

Change can only start with a dialog about how to the current system.  New ideas are needed to make it possible so that all Earthlings are fed and none go hungry.

Please make a comment on this or any other Post on this Blog.  Change can only start by a dialog discussing the possibilities.

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One Reply to “Thinking Outside The Box – Food As A Needed Resource”

  1. From your response to one of my prior comments, and from some of the things that you have said at the discussion meetup, it seems that you agree that the world is overpopulated with humans. We can either actively eliminate people or let nature eliminate people until the population falls to a level which the biosphere can handle. Starvation is nature’s primary tool for keeping the population of any given species in check.

    It is fine to pity/sympathize with starving people; humans are programmed to have such feelings, but we also have the rational faculties to enable us to know when to ignore our feelings. People seem to understand the rationale when it is applied to other creatures. For example, people generally avoid feeding the bears and other animals at parks. The same thing applies to homo sapiens which are just members of another species of animal.

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