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A discussion about changing our way of thinking has been raised in other Posts.  The way we think now is not conducive to the the survival of our earth and all of the Earthlings who live on it.  Eventually this thinking will lead to an evolutionary failure of the species Homo Sapiens.  It may even mean the failure for all other species on this beautiful space ship earth.

Many will not agree with this idea.  They think that Earthlings have domain over all that exists on this planet earth.  In this belief no matter what we do to our planet earth it is okay because it is ours to do with as we see fit.  Also a general belief in that the resources of our planet earth are unlimited.  In this belief our space ship earth has suffered a great deal of irrepairable damage.  The ozone, species killed, forests cut down, water contaminated, diseases created and resources squandered to name a few.

The question becomes can we create a new way of thinking for Earthlings that is different than this?  Different from all thoughts that are not planet earth and Earthling oriented?  A thought process that is oriented to the survival  of all Earthlings and living things on this beautiful space ship earth we live on?  A thought process that is all inclusive and expansive towards every Earthlings basic needs?

What would happen if we changed the thought that having domain over all things means responsibility for all things.  It would be a great start to change what we are doing right now to our planet earth.  Nothing that is harmful would be done to any Earthlings, living things or resource.

Water would not be polluted in anything manufacturing or used in any other way harmful to it.  Trees would not be cut down just for the purpose of more building or other non necessary items.  The care of other species would be considered in any thing we as Earthlings might want to do.  Any advancement in science, medicine and health services would consider it’s effect on our planet earth.

In addition to this change in thinking we can add the thought that we are not separate from but connected to all things.  That our actions effect all that exists on this planet earth.  It would be similar to the Native American beliefs in their connection to all things.  Everything action that takes on this planet is an energy in motion and effects more than we think.

It is the time for change.  If we choose to do nothing then we will reap the consequences of our inaction.  I know that lots has happened and no major catastrophe has come yet.  So far we have kept things going one way or another.  Yet there comes a breaking point when all that we have done to that can destroy our planet earth and each other will catch up with us.


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One Reply to “Creating A New Thought About Our Domain Over Planet Earth”

  1. I too think that any given technological development ought to be stopped or altered as is necessary to avoid deleterious affects to our “space ship” as you put it.

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