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A lot of ideas have been talked about so far in this blog.  The question that needs to be addressed is how do we start to create our new world?  This is considering the other Blog posts talking about the challenges to doing so.  These being our current ideas, attitudes, cultures, societies and mental attitudes.

First of all it takes the participation of like minded people.  People who are interested in changing the current world order.  Those that realize the current path of Earthlings will not lead to a positive outcome for all of us.  That Earthlings our destroying each other as well as the planet that sustains us.

The purpose of this Blog was to find like minded people who would participate in a discussion about this change.  So most of the thoughts expressed in it have been the ideas of one Earthling.  One who is willing to admit they do not have the answers just thoughts about what they think is needed.  Without the participation of all like minded people and a movement to go along with it change is more difficult.

This is why comments and thoughts are always solicited at the end of each post, in a side bar and the footer of each page.  Your ideas and thoughts are needed so that a discussion can occur about the changes needed and how they might be accomplished.

So any new world order starts with us, with me.  Any thoughts, ideas or concepts that you have will be discussed.  That is why it is so important for you to leave comments.  There is no requirement that you leave your  email unless you want to.  So please feel free to idea away.  We can change the world.

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2 Replies to “Where To Start Our New World”

  1. I think that education is the key. I do not refer only to that education which is received through school. Society as a whole educates its members. I have a theory that most people are capable of handling any mental task that life commonly provides. I also think that America has become a society of intellectually lazy people who act almost entirely on emotional impulses. I think that this is due to improper education and that it could be (perhaps could only be) improved through education that instills intellectual rigor as a primary value.

    We could start by revamping the school system, but it may still take a generation, or two, or three for a sufficient number of the populace to become the kind of people who use their mental faculties regularly -assuming that the plan would work.

  2. Thank you for this input. I agree with you that education is key. I believe it must start with a complete change in the way children are raised from infancy and through formal education. It is through emotional astuteness, self-awareness and intellectual rigor that a child can become a complete Earthling. A mind fully engaged in living life to it’s fullest. The question as you suggest is there time to do so?

    Changing the way parents address the emotional and intellectual way of raising their children is difficult. Teaching a child to be self-aware takes a parent who understands this and has this quality. Also we live in a society where freedom is paramount. So in-acting laws to force parents to be responsible for training their children in any manner is almost impossible. Yet there is always hope that somehow the light will dawn and changes such as those suggested by you and myself can happen.

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