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It seems to me that any solution to our current problems will take thinking outside the Box.  Almost every new concept or solution to a problem has come about because someone thought outside the box.

Einstein is a perfect example of this.  If he had not been able to think outside the box his theories would not have been developed.  The general theory of relativity, photoelectric effect, mass-energy equivalence and his influence on the philosophy of science are the major ones.  His discoveries and insights are well documented.  You can read about him on

Of coarse history is filled with people like him who were able to think outside the Box.  Einstein is the most recent and well known example of this.  In some way they have all helped earthlings to create new ways of thinking and enhance the way we live.

So the question then becomes how do we as earthlings think outside of the box to solve our problems and resolve our differences.  We have not been able to do so thus far.  It takes effort however to start exploring new ideas outside of the Box to resolve the issues we have created or have been created for us.

So I personally will make a new effort to think outside the box.  I hope after reading this you too will make that effort to think outside the box.  It is possible that someone will come up with a new idea that will change the coarse of Earthlings forever.

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