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Changing the economics of how we live is a challenge to be sure. Earthlings are really used to living the way we do at this time. We are convinced that we need more and more of whatever is being sold. Told by the advertising agencies that if we don’t have what they are selling we can’t be happy or have love. How much stuff do we buy to keep up with what we are told we need to make us happy or have love in our lives? What products are in our homes because we were told we needed them or are there because they are really needed? Only each Earthling can answer this question. Next time you go to buy something think about it. Will this really make me happy or bring more love into my life? Is this stuff what I want my life to be about? Can’t I find happiness and love withing myself?

Storage units are a good example of the excessive stuff we have. These places are where we store stuff that we don’t uses anymore. We keep it because we may need it some day or for reasons known only to those who store it. I have participated in this storage business a few times. Storing things I think I might need someday or because I have become attached to it.

So I can only tell you what I have done in my life and what I suggest you do in your lives. Don’t buy anything you don’t need or will not use now. Purchase only those things that are needed or make your life more comfortable. This not only saves me money it also saves me from having a house filled with things I don’t use or really need.

I am donating everything that I don’t use or haven’t used in a long time to charity. If I can’t do that then I recycle it or unfortunately it goes in the trash. I am still in the process of changing the way I buy things. This means not buying things I see that I think I need or want. Resisting buying a newer computer, TV, appliances or furniture is difficult. What I focus on is that what I have serves me well and that it is all sufficient. Only if something wears out or breaks do I allow myself to buy something to replace it.

Resisting the urge to buy is difficult. We are bombarded with the idea that we need a new outfit, appliance, TV, computer, house or whatever is advertised. The message is we are not whole or complete without whatever they want us to buy. Only we can know that we are each whole and complete just as we are.

If you have ever been to the movies this is a prime example. The commercials tell us that we can’t have love without Coke; as an example. Our movie experience will be less enjoyable unless we buy a popcorn or some snack. They use people and images to convey this message. In essence we cannot be happy unless we buy some product they are advertising.

Slowly Earthlings can change the economy by purchasing only what we need or makes our lives a little more comfortable. Don’t buy things that are really not needed or really don’t bring us comfort. I can only ask that you each look at your life and start to ask the questions about why you buy what you do. Only we can start to change what is produced, especially things that are not good for our environment. Changing what is produced can change what is produced. This will save our environment and in the end Earthlings as a whole.

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