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In a previous post I talked about the struggle between the Masculine and the Feminine. It would be remiss of me not to discuss this struggle as it relates to the way Earthlings wish to express their gender. Earthlings now live in an age where we have come to view our gender preferences in many diverse ways. Gender as I see it being the way we express our sexual preferences.

To be perfectly clear there are only two physical sex distinctions. Those being the masculine and the feminine. The feminine physical form having larger breasts and a vagina. It is the the masculines lack of large breasts and the appendage we call the penis which makes them different. There are other differences in physiology that I won’t go into here. The picture below illustrates these physical differences. These physical characteristics can be as diverse as there are Earthlings on this planet. It is the emotional feelings that have made the preferences about the expression of gender so diverse.

The two physical expressions of Earthlings

This is where the issue has come into being. It seems that all gender preferences other than those deemed normal are problematic for most Earthlings. Normal is usually what is called the heterosexual relationship. The one between a masculine and feminine Earthling. Although I imagine that other gender preferences have existed for a very long time and were hidden because they were not accepted. Just as we evolved physically and mentally so has the way some Earthlings look at their gender.

To illustrate this you need only look to the city of New York. It has identified 31 genders preferences. The definition of gender is as follows: ‘“Gender identity” is described as one’s internal, deeply-held sense of one’s gender as male, female, or something else entirety.  Gender is expressed through one’s name, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, or body characteristics.’ .
As you can see it is about the emotional expression of sexuality.

Since this evolution in gender identity has evolved it has become an issue because it goes against the norm. This being the bi-sexual relationship of the masculine and the feminine. As we know this norm has been defined by cultural, social and religious beliefs . So it is a prejudice that has been ingrained in Earthlings for a long time.

There are Earthlings at this time fighting for the free expression of there gender preferences. So how do we as Earthlings get over our prejudicial ideas of what is normal in regards to gender preferences? Once again not an easy thing when billions of Earthlings are involved.

As always it comes down to acceptance. This is a hard one because it goes against so many cultural, social and religious beliefs. How do we get all forms of Earthlings expressions to be accepted? Of coarse this means any form that is not harmful to other Earthlings. It is difficult to work this out in a peaceful way instead of what is happening now. Peace on earth begins with accepting each other for the unique differences that we express. Let us resolve to practice acceptance on an individual basis!

The above is my understanding of the issue. For most of my life I have been on the prejudicial side of this issue. In the last few years I have been practicing the acceptance I talk about above. So any comments to clarify or give me more information about this would be greatly appreciated.

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