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You may wonder why I am talking about this subject. It is because I believe all Earthlings have a talent or talents. The question being does any Earthling realize what their talent or talents are? I believe very few do. There are very few who find their true talent, what they truly love to do.

How many of us feel that when we were babies, toddlers, young Earthlings, teenagers or even adults that our talent or talents were recognized or even encouraged? I would hazard a guess that not many of us were. If anything they were probably suppressed or little effort was made to find what they were or to encourage them.

I see talent as that inner drive to do what we love. If you watch young Earthlings you notice what activities they gravitate to. There are many forms of art. mechanics, math, language, science, gardening, space, reading and any activity we can create. How many of us wish that we had been encouraged to pursue our talent or talents.

Can you imagine what our beautiful Earth might be like if everyone pursued their talent? It would be a totally different one I believe. The advances in all areas of Earthlings endeavors would be beyond our imagination. So many minds focused on doing what they love. Able to take their talent or talents to the limits of their individual imagination, creation, invention and other possibilities of our Earthling mind.

Earthlings must ask how do we create the possibility of reaching our biggest potential? How do we help create the necessary environment that makes each Earthling able to discover their talent or talents? What is it we must do to change the suppressive environment that exists to make this a possibility? I have ideas that may be possible but not acceptable. What ideas can you present here that will help us give us the best for reaching our biggest potential? Your comments and suggestions are certainly welcomed for this topic.

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