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In previous posts I have discussed many things that I believe need to be changed on our Planet Earth. I have asked for your comments on how you think they can be done or if they even need to be done. Many of the suggested changes takes a shift in how each Earthling thinks and believes. If you choose to stay the same then what can change? Nothing! All Earthlings inhabit this space ship earth we travel on. No Earthling is immune to what happens to our space ship earth based on the actions of others.

I have talked about how the current social, political and economic systems must change. Ideas on what changes can be made have been suggested. These ideas were so that we could begin a discussion on how we Earthlings could change these things. It takes all Earthlings to make the changes necessary to heal all that is wrong with our planet.

This means that each Earthling is the change needed to address all of the problems we face. Your are the change. Without a shift in your thinking and beliefs change can not happen. Things will remain the same as they are now. Our space ship earth can not survive the current direction we Earthlings are choosing.

With everything I have suggested in these blogs, it comes down to you. You must choose what you can change. It is up to you to see what new thoughts and beliefs you can bring into existence. What can you do in your life to effect the changes needed to save your space ship earth?

This blog has suggested the problems that I see we face. I have even hinted at changes that can be made to address these problems. If one Earthling shifts his thoughts and beliefs nothing can change. It will take a change in all Earthlings to address the problems we are faced with on our space ship earth. I do not profess to have the answers to all the problems we face. It is up to all Earthlings to start the discussion needed to come up with the solutions we need for the problems we face.

You are the change. It is your choice to make whatever changes you think are needed with in yourself to solve the problems all Earthlings face. Then you can start the discussion with others so that they can think about changing themselves. Change starts with you yet it will take all of us.


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