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Earthlings say that they have intelligence. I question that proposal. Evolution has given us the mental qualities needed to create all that exists today. This is the technological, social and survival skills we have used to get to the present day. Yet the question remains are we intelligent?

My thought is no. One of the definitions of intelligence is ‘the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills’. We definitely have acquired the knowledge and skills needed to advance us technologically and socially. The question is have we applied this knowledge and these skills to advance Earthlings existence on our planet.? Have we used these to keep our planet healthy and vibrant for generations to come?

If you look around the world today you can see that we have a level of life not attained in the history of our planet. This is through acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to survive. Yet Earthlings have not applied that knowledge and those skills to know that war, poverty, disease and ignorance are not necessary.

How many wars have Earthlings fought for one reason or another? What has been the staggering amount of lives and resources wasted on this attempt to control, dominate or manipulate one another? We haven’t applied the knowledge of these facts to end war forever.

How much unneeded poverty is caused in the world as a result of the waste in our economic and social systems? Have we even used the knowledge and skills acquired to provide food and needed resources for all Earthlings? The waste of our economic and social systems is staggering. Go to any dump site in the world and observe the resources we bury in the ground because it is unwanted or no longer desired. I think that you would be truly amazed at the resources we waste on a daily basis.

In my mind if we were truly intelligent these things would not happen. Earthlings would stop wasting the limited resource of our planet and begin to see better ways to use them. All war and conflicts would stop instantly. Earthlings would realize the enormous cost in lives and resources that war and conflict cause. A renewed effort would be found to communicate and interact with each other that would eliminate the the need for war or conflict.

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